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I walked down the staircase and made sure that no one was following me, or knew that I was awake. I couldn't have them know of my plans. They would lock me somewhere and that scared me. I wasn't their ruler.

I reached the front gate and found it locked. That was weird because the guards usually kept it open for the night shifters to return. I looked around and inside the vase nearby but found it empty.

"Looking for this?" I heard a voice behind.

Damn it.

"Trumpkin." I turned around.

"And where do you think you are going, Princess?" He spun the keys in his hand as if to mock me.

"Trumpkin, I-"

"Definitely not for a stroll or a late-night walk. Not with that." He pointed to my bag and armour.


"It wouldn't take me long to call out for lover boy and the Doctor."

My eyebrows furrowed together. "Lover boy?" He raised his eyebrows at me, knowing that I was trying to change the topic. "You won't."

"And why is that?"

"Because you would have done it already. Besides, you have a promise to keep. I have a favour in reserve and I'm using it now." I said. "Give me the keys." I put my hand forward for him to give it to me.

" I put my hand forward for him to give it to me

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"Where are you going?"

"You know." I breathed out.

"Does he know?"

I knew who he was talking about. "No." I shook my head. "And I want to keep it that way." Trumpkin looked at the ground and when he looked up again, he had something in his eye. "Are those tears?" I teased him.

"No." He rubbed his nose. "Dust went into my eyes."

"I will meet you in the field again." I don't know why I added the 'again'. I would meet them, right?

He sighed, handing the keys to me. "You better meet us or I'll kick your Other World...." He was going to swear but he stopped.

I smiled. "You got it, teach." Trumpkin was confused. "Short for 'teacher'."

"And a short teacher." He let out a shaky laughter and threw the keys at me. "Go."

I nodded. "I'll see you again." I stressed as I went out of the castle towards the stables. Couldn't forget my pal, now could I?

As I made my way downstairs, I broke the lock once again and brought Thomas out. I could only think about Mr. Henry's warm smile and how he never got irritated because of my actions.

Along with Thomas came another little friend. "Hey." I picked Cassie up. "You are going to be a good girl for me, got it? You are going to take care of Caspian for me in case...." She licked my nose. "In case things don't go my way today."

It was definitely past two in the morning. Cassie barked softly at me and I took her back to her kennel. I hugged her once and then, I was on my way.

I walked back to Thomas, who was waiting for me near the back gate. But as I did so, I felt a small pull on my skirt. I looked down and saw Cassie. I tried picking her up again but she was biting my skirt violently. "Hey." I caught her as she barked at me. "Don't worry. I'll be back."

She barked loudly but I shushed her. "Let me go." She whimpered. "I'll come back. I promise." Once again, the dog licked my nose. I placed her on the ground and walked away but Cassie continued to follow me. "Stop it, Cassie." I told her but she continued following me. "Sit." I told her. "Sit!"

"Don't make this harder than it already is, Cassie. Sit." I said one last time and she started whining. "Good girl." I said as she stopped following me. But her beady eyes followed me as I reached Thomas and got on him. I looked at her one last time and smiled. I waved at her and she waved back.

I looked around one last time at the castle. I didn't know why I was thinking that it would be my last time at the castle. I was going to survive. I had to.

I couldn't leave Caspian

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I couldn't leave Caspian. I couldn't have him think that I had betrayed him by leaving. I had to meet him at the field. I had promised that I would be back. I had to keep it.

But what if I didn't? I couldn't bear to hurt Caspian. He was hurt once again before and I shouldn't be the one to do so to him again.

I would be back. I had to.

Nina would kill me if I didn't. I had to promise Mr. Henry that I wouldn't break any more of the locks. I owed Oliver the recipe to my soup. The weekend knitting classes with Evelyn were still pending. Moreover, what would Glenstorm think? I definitely couldn't leave the commander alone. And Reepicheep? He still owed me a trip around the world with him.

I turned away from the castle and stared at the gate in front of me. I knew the path that I needed to take to reach my destination. My final destination? No, Sophie. Be positive.

I made a mental map of how I had to get there without alerting the Narnians. But they were on many posts in all of the pathways. Not all. There was one way I could go there.

Okay. Path? Check.

I caressed Thomas and he ran with all his might. We went through town and I said a silent goodbye to Claire and the bakery and everyone else. Oh goodness! What would everyone else think? How would Freya react if I didn't keep my promise? That child haunted me, probably because she reminded me of myself - concerned, helpless and hopefully optimistic.

Before taking the path that would take me where I needed to be, I took one turn to the place that was the first thing I saw when I came to Narnia for the first time. A little time there would do me some good.

The Legacy's Return (#2)Where stories live. Discover now