Dangerous Monster

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Chapter 11: Dangerous monster

~Flashback continues~

It has been 3 days since that incident. Khushi never felt the way she started feeling recently. She lay on her bed and stared at the ceiling blankly. Arnav's voice kept echoing to her. She smiles to herself and keeps on thinking about him. Strangely, everything has changed after that incident happened outside her house. Now her Amma Buaji won't dared to raise voice before her. In fact they started talking sweetly of her fearing of Asr threats as his guards always keep a watch on them. This sudden transformation is very shocking.

It was very new for her and Payal as Amma and Buaji had never been so sweet to them. One or two times Arnav visited Gupta house to check if those two evil ladies were taking care of sisters or not. Giving threatening remarks, he left from there but his presence developed a great impact on Khushi. She stood at the door and waved her hands with a beautiful smile before he moved toward his SUV.

Payal noticed her newly found attraction for Arnav. Few times she warns Khushi to maintain distances but she ignores saying there is nothing between them. On the other hand, Manav insecurity increases by the way Khushi gets close to Arnav. Khushi spends most of the time with Arnav and this makes people start gossiping about them having affairs. Few times Manav caught them hanging out together in a lonely place. Now it is getting out of his patience.

Khushi: It is my job, Manav...I love you and you know how important you are.

Manav: Ofcourse I know you love me. I trust you the most but I don't trust Asr. He is playing with you.

Khushi: No, he is not. At first I also doubted his intention thinking he might be showing too much interest in me over his girlfriend. We havd an argument too regarding this matter. But I was wrong. Due to this, he didn't talk with me for 4 days. Thankfully everything is sorted.

Manav: You are very innocent, Khushi. These men trap girls like this only and I guess you are Asr new found attraction. He wanted to have you on his bed.

Khushi: ENOUGH! You are crossing the limits now. I will not hear a word for Arnavji. (He look at her in disbelief)

Manav: So now that stranger becomes more important than your love? Fine, do whatever you want.

With disappointment, he started to leave.

Khushi: Manav please..Don't go like this..I need you.. (He halted his steps but didn't look back at her)

Manav: Don't go near to that DEVIL. He will destroy you..I care for you that's why I am saying this. I have seen the worst side of her..He is very dangerous (Saying that, he left but his last phrase keeps ringing to her.)

Does Arnavji really pretend to be nice?

She brushed off those thoughts out from her mind. Stupid Manav. He knew how much I love him and how could he think I ever develop feelings for anyone else. Duffer kahika.

Khushi walked absent minded on the road. She is feeling very guilty by the way she talks with manav. She rang him many times and left several text messages but he is not picking her call. It was the first time they hadn't talked for a long duration. This made her highly tensed and worried. Because she doesn't want to lose him at any cost.

A white SUV stopped right in front of her bringing her back to present with a jerk. Arnav removed his sunglasses and gave her an intense look. She tucked her hair behind her ears and gaze.

Khushi: Sir aap..yaha.. (You..here?)

Arnav: Sit in the car. (In a commanding tone)

Khushi: No sir I go by auto..

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