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The weather today was different compared to the previously long series of rainy days.

But no, the sun still hadn't emerged from the clouds, nor has the frigid temperature rose. It was way windier than before. Yes, it was a nice break from the constant downpour, but the need for dozens of layers was still prominent.

And that didn't help (Y/N) in her situation.

"Wait! Come back!" she cried. 

She had dashed out from the second floor of her house and shoved her feet in her bright yellow rain boots (even despite the lack of rain, they were just the fastest to slip on). She knew that she probably looked weird, but all that was on her mind was getting that letter back.

She was sitting on her desk, writing it as she always did, when it dawned upon her that her window was open when a strong breeze that carried the letter out of her room. She hadn't even noticed before since she was already used to the cold climate.

So here she was, sprinting down the street in a large color block sweater, black sweats, and bright yellow rain boots, chasing a piece of paper carried by the wind.

"Wait...stop...please!" She had been at it for a good ten minutes now and ran past a whole block. Tiredness started to creep onto her, until-


She stopped abruptly, planting her heels firmly on the floor to make sure she didn't fall. Someone else had caught the sneaky letter for her.

She looked up to the person. He held the paper in his right hand, a grin on his face. It seemed like he was still in his school uniform, along with a blue scarf wrapped around his neck. His grey hair curled up on his face, and a small mole rested on his cheek.

"Good thing I caught it in time, this thing flies fast! Here, take it," he said, holding out the paper. "Sorry it's a little wrinkled though."

(Y/N) gladly accepted the paper. Sure enough, there were a few creases near the area the boy had caught the letter, but hey, it's better than losing it altogether.

She started bowing frantically. "Thank you so much! I'm so sorry for the inconvenience."

Sugawara let out a small laugh. "It's alright! I was in the area anyway," he replied.

(Y/N) then noticed the boy's uniform. It was identical to that of the one worn in her school.

"Oh, do you go to Karasuno too?" she asked.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah, my name's Koshi Sugawara! I'm a third year in class 4. And you?"

"O-oh, I'm (F/N) (L/N) in class 2-4. I'm a second year, it's a pleasure to meet you!" she bowed again.

"Yeah," he smiled. His attention was suddenly drawn to her boots. "Oh, I checked the weather forecast today, and I don't think it's gonna rain later."

She looked down as well. "Oh! I just slipped on whatever was near and dashed out of my house."

Then a realization hit her.

"My house! Oh shoot, I forgot to lock it!" She remembered that she lived alone and that she just left the house unlocked and unguarded, completely vulnerable to robbers.

Before leaving, she gave the boy one last bow. "Thank you so much again Sugawara-san, I'll see you at school!"

He smiled. How do you forget to lock your house? "Sure! See you at school!"

She returned his smile and dashed off, her letter in hand, hoping that someone hadn't broken into her house.


A/N: hihi! hoped you guys enjoyed this first chapter and look forward to more!

have a nice day/night! :D

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