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It was super late out, of course. The team had only gotten back about fifteen minutes ago and had been dismissed to get a good night's rest.

Sugawara decided to walk with Kiyoko and (Y/N), before Kiyoko eventually went her own way to her house.

Now, it was just the silver-haired setter and the second year girl walking down the dimly-lit street.

(Y/N) chuckled. "Is it just me, or am I experiencing deja vu?"

Sugawara glanced at the girl. "Care to elaborate?"

The girl looked up at the sky, the moonlight illuminating her face. She smiled, "It's just, I remember walking down a dark street with a certain friend of mine not too long ago."

Sugawara smiled. "I wonder when the rain'll come."

She turned to face the third year. "Don't jinx it."

The boy laughed. They continued to walk in a comfortable silence before Sugawara spoke up.

"Ne, (L/N)-san, what do you like to do in your free time?" he asked.

The girl smiled. "Well, other than writing letters to my parents, I ice skate when I have the time."

The silver-haired boy was interested. "Wow, you ice skate?"

She looked at the boy with enthusiasm. "Yeah! I actually used to figure skate a looong time ago, but it eventually got too expensive and my parents had to pull me out."

Sugawara formed a small "o" with his lips.

(Y/N) waved her hands. "Oh, no, it's fine! I still do it when I can! I don't think I could stand those super long hours of practice anyway, unlike you guys," she laughed. "What about you, Sugawara-san?"

The setter smiled. "Well, I practice volleyball, of course. Or I mainly just study."

(Y/N) was baffled. "Study? In your free time?"

Sugawara laughed and nodded. "Yep! Gotta keep those grades up, y'know."

The girl was at a loss for words. But of course, grades were really an important thing.

Then, an idea sparked in her head.

"Oh! Sugawara-san! We should go ice skating some time!" she suggested, almost jumping.

He was surprised. It did sound like fun. However, the boy had no experience on the ice.

"I'd love to, but I don't know how to skate," he admitted. "Plus, it's the middle of summer."

He was right, but the girl still persisted. "In the winter, then. I can teach you, too! Yeah! You can rent skates at the rink!"

Sugawara still wanted to differ, but he gave up after seeing the glint of determination in the girls eyes.

"Alright," he agreed. "When winter comes."

(Y/N) nodded enthusiastically. "Great! I can't wait!"

The setter chuckled. Even though it would be months from now, the girl was still pumped nevertheless.

The two eventually reached (Y/N)'s empty house. They stopped at the entrance.

"Well then, goodnight, Sugawara-san," (Y/N) bowed. "Thank you for walking me."

Before the girl could leave, however, Sugawara grabbed her wrist. (Y/N) looked back at him, but it was too dark out to see his expression.

"(Y/N)," he started. "You sure you'll be okay?"

The girl was stunned. "Why—"

"Yaku-san told me what happened," he explained. "I'm sorry for not knowing before."

(Y/N) softened. She smiled, "No need to apologize, Sugawara-san."

The setter was surprised. "I'll be alright. I've been by myself for a year now. I think I've gotten used to it," she said. "Besides, I have Kiyoko! And the whole team!"

Taking a bit of a bold move, she turned towards him and gently placed her free hand on his. "And you too!"

The third year suddenly looked up, the moonlight reflecting on his face. It illuminated his features— the small, soft curls of his silver hair, the small beauty mark on his cheek, the red that flecked his face, and his hazel eyes. Those eyes that looked at the girl with astonishment, dusted with compassion and some sort of adoration.

(Y/N) looked back at him with a smile. "I appreciate your concern, Sugawara-san, but I'll be okay."

The boy studied her closely. She seemed to be filled with confidence, and at the same time, blushing too at the boy's consideration.

Which reminded him, her hand was still on top of his. He looked down nervously, though part of him didn't want to let go.

Unfortunately, however, the girl removed her hand from him, feeling flustered. "I'm sorry, I was probably being dramatic."

Sugawara's expression softened. "Now it's my turn to say 'no need to apologize.'"

(Y/N) laughed. "Goodnight, Sugawara-san."

She bowed and approached her door. As she unlocked it, she heard the third year call her name.

"(L/N)-san?" he asked.

(Y/N) turned. "Yeah?"

Sugawara smiled. "Call me Suga from now on."

The girl turned red. "S-Suga-san?"

He chuckled. "If that's what you're comfortable with, then I'm okay with that."

(Y/N) was surprised. Eventually, though, she smiled.

"In that case, call me (Y/N)."


a/n: hope you guys liked this chapter! now i got things "sorted out" between them ~w~ see you soon!

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