vending machine

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(Y/N) wrapped her arms around herself. It was colder than normal, and she got the chills thinking about what would happen later that day.

She had taken up on Kiyoko's offer to be a manager, though she was a bit hesitant on her decision. Volleyball boys were like...200 cm!! That's over six feet tall! She had also seen some of the second-year volleyball players around, and they did not seem friendly.

But then again, she hardly had anything to do during the day aside from write letters, so it'd give her something to pass time.

Which reminds me, I have to thank Sugawara-san again for yesterday.

She had time before her first class started, so she decided to grab a drink.

She inserted coins into the little slot and got herself a box of chocolate milk. As she poked her straw in, she looked at her surrounding area. She wasn't used to going to this specific vending machine, but she thought that she might as well wander since she had a lot of time.

That's the boy's volleyball gym, no? she thought, looking at the building a few feet away from her. Maybe I'll check if Kiyoko's inside...

She paced around the front, looking for a window or a way in. The door was locked, however, and the windows were to high for her to look through.

She eventually gave up and decided to head for class. Do they even have practice in the morning? I should've asked Kiyoko yesterday...

She tossed her milk box in the trash, when she heard someone call her name.

"Hey, (L/N)-san!" called Sugawara. The boy was wearing his school uniform, along with a blue scarf, just as she saw him yesterday.

"O-oh, hi Sugawara-san! Thank you again for the other day," she bowed.

He gave her a closed-eyed smile. "Don't worry about that, it was no problem. What brings you to the boy's volleyball gym anyway?"

"Oh, I was just looking for Kiyoko, she said she was the manager of the volleyball team, though I probably should've asked if they even have practice in the morning..." she added, scratching her cheek.

"Oh, Shimizu? Are you interested in being a manager too?" the boy asked.

"W-well, yes—no." Which one is it dummy? "Y-yeah, Kiyoko offered me to try it out, but I was just wondering if she was here."

The boy laughed. "Alright. I'm a part of the volleyball team to, y'know."

"Right! Kiyoko told me yesterday," (Y/N) remembered.

"Oh, she did?" he questioned.

"A-ah, sorry if that sounded creepy!" she bowed. "It's just Kiyoko and I are close friends, and she mentioned she knew you from the volleyball team when I asked her if she might've known a certain third year with silver hair."

She blinked. "Sorry, that probably sounded even creepier!" she added.

He waved his hands and laughed. "No, you're fine."

Suddenly, the school bell rings, indicating that students should head to their first class. 

"We'd better get going then, (L/N)-san."

(Y/N) looked up. "Right. Don't you normally walk with your friends though?"

Sugawara looked back where he came from. "They probably must've gone ahead. Here, I'll walk with you for as far as I can go."

"Walk with you for as far as I can go..." The words replayed in her head.

"Sugawara-san, really, you don't have—"

The boy ended up grabbing her wrist and pulled her towards the main school building, saying, "Like I've said before, it's completely fine! Now lets hurry, or we'll be late!"

(Y/N) didn't respond. Instead, she was focused on the fact that she had to be dragged to class by someone she had just met, which made her feel a little embarrassed.


a/n: first three chapters done! hope you look forward to more :DD

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