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(Y/N) followed Kiyoko out of the bus, thanking Takeda as they exited.

Kiyoko noticed the girl had a small bounce in her step. "Are you looking forward to seeing your cousin?"

She nodded, fiddling with the straps of her bag. "Yeah!"

The two caught up with the rest of the team, who had already greeted Nekoma. They had their club's red jacket & pants, their height average being on the taller side compared to Karasuno.

She and Kiyoko were about to enter the building when she saw Tanaka and some other guy from Nekoma already start to pick a fight. Sugawara had pointed him out, however, and a sad, embarrassed aura radiated from the boy. Someone else from Nekoma had done the same to his teammate as well.

(Y/N) was about to see who it was when she noticed that the buzz-cut was looking at both her and Kiyoko. Kiyoko had given him a small nod, while (Y/N) waved shyly.

"T-Two female managers?!" he exclaimed. Two others behind him then pumped fists, mentioning something about a yakisoba bun.

"(Y/N)-chan? Is that you?" a voice asked.

The girl turned around, a look of joy and surprise etched on her face. "Yakkun!"

Yaku grinned and gave the girl a hug. "It's been a while, (Y/N). You've grown!"

(Y/N) pouted. "Don't say that, you sound like an old person or something."

The boy laughed it off. Meanwhile, the boy that had picked a fight with Tanaka— who she overheard was called Yamamoto— gasped.

"Yaku-san, you know the female manager?!" he asked.

Yaku nodded. "She's my cousin. I haven't seen her since what, middle school?"

The girl nodded. "Yup. It's great to see you again!"

"You too! Now lets go inside, we have a match to play," said Yaku.

(Y/N) smiled. "We're not gonna lose!"


"Ne, what time is it, Kiyoko?" she asked.

The third year seemed spaced out. "Look out the window."

(Y/N) did as she said and saw that the sky was already painted orange. The team had continuously played Nekoma over and over, but they didn't win a single match. (Y/N) started to feel a bit embarrassed about what she said to Yaku, but then told herself she should probably give the team more credit.

The two schools worked together to clean up the gym. As (Y/N) wheeled a cart of volleyballs away, she watched as Kageyama gave Nekoma's setter an intense stare before watching him run away.

She laughed at the sight before continuing to push the cart. She ended up bumping into someone and looked up to see Nekoma's captain.

H-He's so tall! she thought. "O-Oh, sorry about that."

He waved his hands. "It's okay. You're Yakkun's cousin, right?"

(Y/N) was surprised. "You call him Yakkun too?"

The captain nodded. "Yup. He doesn't seem to like hearing me call him that compared to you."

The girl let out a laugh. "What's your name?"

He extended a hand. "Kuroo Tetsuro."

(Y/N) accepted. "(L/N) (F/N)."

"Well, see you later, (L/N)-chan!"

(Y/N) was surprised at his choice of honorifics, but smiled nonetheless. "See you!"

She returned the cart before approaching her cousin, who was talking with Sugawara and Nishinoya. It seemed that he had complimented Yaku before leaving.

"Oh, hey, (Y/N)," Yaku greeted. "What was that you said earlier? About you not losing?" he taunted.

(Y/N) pouted, before sending him multiple punches to the stomach. "Next time! Next time you're gonna eat your words!"

Yaku grunted. "Stop it!"

(Y/N) stuck her tongue out at him. The boy let out a sigh, while Sugawara laughed at the two.

"Man, it's been three years and you're still a kid. Do you want some sour candies, little child?" he taunted.

"I—" the girl started. She wanted to argue that she wasn't immature, but she couldn't deny the fact that she wanted sour candies.

Dammit, of course he'd know my biggest weakness, she thought. "No," she muttered, looking away.

The libero sighed once more. "I have some in my bag, it should be on the bench somewhere."

The girl lit up. "Thank you thank you thank you!!"

She dashed over to where Nekoma put their bags and immediately started digging through his stuff.

Back at the courts, Yaku chuckled. "Man, she hasn't changed a bit. I'm glad that she's happy, though."

Sugawara looked back at the libero. "Why wouldn't she be?"

Yaku was surprised. "You don't know? (Y/N)'s parents died in a car accident about a year ago."

Sugawara was taken aback. So that's why she lives alone.

He frowned. He recalled the girl telling him during their evening walk that they were out on a trip of some sorts. But the way she answered...he knew something was off!

Yaku placed a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry, I feel bad too. I wasn't able to reach out to her last year...but I think I can count on you to do that for me."

Sugawara studied the boy, who smiled. "Something tells me that you're close with her. Keep her company for me, alright?"

The setter relaxed a bit. With a small smile, he replied, "Alright."


The team said their goodbyes outside the gym. Yamamoto and Tanaka had comical tears dripping down their face, while Kuroo and Daichi shook hands, which she could've sworn had a hint of passive-aggressiveness to it.

"Well, I see you soon then, (Y/N)," Yaku said, approaching her.

He gave her a big hug. "I heard what happened to your parents. You sure you'll be okay?"

Surprise washed over her, before letting a sad smile rest on her face. "Yeah. You don't need to worry, Yakkun."

He released his hold on her, looking at her with a sense of compassion. "Oh, let me add your email address. You have a phone now, right?"

(Y/N) nodded. "Yeah! Here, let me get it really fast."

"Ne, can I add your email address too, (L/N)-chan?" Kuroo, Nekoma's captain, approached the girl.

Yaku frowned at him. "Stop hitting on her, Kuroo. You're making her uncomfortable."

The captain frowned. "I'm not hitting on her! I just want her contact!"

(Y/N) laughed, turning a bit red. "It's fine, I'll add it for you."

She exchanged email addresses with the two before hearing Nekomata-sensei call the group.

She gave Yaku one last hug. "See you, Yakkun!"

"See you later!"

And with that, the two teams boarded their buses and headed home.


a/n: sorry for not updating for a while! i hope ya'll enjoyed this chap with yaku 🥺🥺 see you soon!

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