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It had been about a week since (Y/N) had been a manager of the volleyball club, and she had started to become more accustomed with the members. When she heard that the team would be playing Nekoma, she had been overjoyed, since she knew she was gonna see—



(Y/N) nodded. "He's my cousin, and I haven't seen him in forever!"

The boys were intrigued. They continue to eat their meals, Kiyoko and (Y/N) helping out.

They were currently with the boys at the training camp they were staying at. However, the girls weren't staying over— Kiyoko was going to stay at her house with (Y/N).

"Ne, (L/N)-san, can I have more rice?" asked Sugawara. He came up to the girl with an empty plate.

She smiled and nodded, taking the plate from him and scooping a ball of rice onto it.

"So, you have a cousin that goes to Nekoma?" he asked.

She nodded. "Yup. We've been close since middle school, but he eventually left to go to Nekoma. I haven't seen him since."

She handed the plate back to him. "Well, at least you'll be able to see him soon," he noted.

She smiled. "Yeah!"

Time passed, and (Y/N) and Kiyoko helped clean up before leaving the residence. On the walk to her house, the two discussed future game plans and their ambitions for the team.

It wasn't long before (Y/N) found herself in a futon next to Kiyoko's bed. Kiyoko had offered to switch, but (Y/N) declined and insisted that it was her house.

However, she was starting to regret that choice, since she couldn't bring herself to fall asleep.

She tossed and turned, but to no avail. She checked the time too, and she doubted that the third year next to her was awake.

Eventually, she got up and changed into a sweater and went for a walk. No point in trying anymore, right?

She had her earbuds in, listening to calming music. She had no clue where she was walking, but as long as she knew Kiyoko's address, she'd be fine.

At some point in her walk, she found herself back in front of the inn the boys were staying at. Sure enough, the whole building was dark.

Part of her was expecting something, but she didn't know what.

Or who.

"(L/N)-san?" a voice asked. "What are you doing here?"

(Y/N) removed one of her earbuds and turned to face none other than Sugawara. He was wearing a simple sweater and his signature blue scarf.

"Sugawara-san? Why are you up so late?" she asked.

The boy smiled. "I couldn't sleep. And you?"

A soft smile rested on her face as well. "Me too. I just went for a walk and found myself here."

"Then why don't I join you? I don't think I'll be going to bed anytime soon," he joked.

(Y/N) nodded. "Sure!"

The two walked down the street. It was quiet, and the street was barely lit.

"What are you listening to?" the boy eventually asked.

(Y/N) grinned playfully. "It's hard-core rock. Wanna listen?"

Sugawara was taken aback. He didn't think she was the kind of person to play that kind of music. "I-I think I'll be fine."

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