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"(L/N)-kun? Are you there?" Nishinoya asked, waving his hand in front of the girl.

She was currently staring into blank space with two water bottles in hand and a towel draped over her shoulder.

Tsukishima approached the girl and gently knocked her head with his fist. "Oi, get back to work, Manager-san."

At this, however, she responded. She had gotten to known more of the club members more, and she was well-acquainted with Tsukishima and his salty personality. Using one hand each, she popped the small spout of the water bottles up and gave them a squeeze, significantly drenching the blonde.

"Oh I'm sorry, do you need a towel?" she asked, gesturing her arm at him. 

An irk marked appeared on his forehead. "Why you—"

"Now, now," Sugawara started. He approached the boy from behind and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Two bottles isn't fair."

With his own water bottle in hand, he took one of (Y/N)'s and sprayed her with them.

The girl stood there, sprayed with water. Tsukishima stifled a laugh.


Sugawara dashed off then, (Y/N) running after him. "Get back here you—!"

She chased Sugawara around the gym, others watching them in awe or laughing.

"You guys! Quit fooling arou—"

Thinking she got a good aim, she aimed her bottle and squeezed it with all her might. Sugawara had dodged just in time, right when Daichi entered the gym. The water sprayed all over him, drenching his hair and clothes.

Everyone froze.

Uh-oh, Sugawara thought.

Daichi-san.., Nishinoya and Tanaka trailed.

A wave of shock overcame the girl. "I'm so sorry—"

"Suga," the third year uttured.

(Y/N) was silenced, the whole gym continuing to stay quiet. Daichi placed a hard, heavy hand on Sugawara's shoulder. "Get me a new shirt, please."

The gray-haired boy got the chills, and immediately dashed off.

(Y/N) tried calling the captain's attention. "D-Daichi-san—"

"It's alright, (Y/N). Just get everything ready for practice, okay?" he interrupted.

She nodded frantically. "Y-Yes!"

And she dashed off as fast as she could. She saw the boy follow after Sugawara after.

Nishinoya came over and gently slapped her back. "You got lucky, y'know! Normally Daichi would yell the crap out of us."

Tanaka came over. "You're right! Maybe it's because—"

He got interrupted by Ennoshita, who whacked him on the back of the head with a newspaper. "Hey, where's your jacket? Did you leave it in the club room?"

Tanaka and Ennoshita continued to talk, while Kiyoko approached (Y/N).

(Y/N) looked up. "Because what now?"

She smiled and shook her head. "It's nothing. Here, take this." She handed the girl a towel.

"Thank you." Meanwhile, Suga and Daichi re-entered the gym. Daichi emerged with a calm, confident look, while Suga was frowning.

(Y/N) draped the towel over her head and approached the boy.

"Hey, what's up?" she asked.

He seemed to be in a daze. The girl waved her hand in front of the boy, and he snapped out of it. "O-Oh! Sorry, what was it?"

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