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The bell rang, and (Y/N) finally found her way out of her tedious english class.

She let out a sigh and pulled out her lunch for the day. Her small bento was wrapped in her handmade design, which was a simple (F/C) cloth with her favorite anime character embroidered in it.

(Y/N) looked through her bag to find a small juice box she could've sworn she packed, but wasn't there. After a few more minutes of searching, the girl decided to just grab a box of chocolate milk from the vending machine.

She made her way to the vending machine. As she pressed the button for the drink, she felt a light tap on her shoulder.

The girl smiled. "Hey, Suga-san."

Suga returned it. "Hello! Whatcha gettin?"

A thud sounded from the vending machine. (Y/N) reached in and showed him the small carton. "Just a chocolate milk. I forgot my juice box today," she explained.

The boy nodded. "Do you want anything? I have some change if you want a drink," the girl offered.

Suga waved his hands. "Oh, no, you don't—"

(Y/N) had already inserted coins in the slot. "Strawberry milk? Or a yogurt drink?"

She looked up and grinned at the setter, who had a look of defeat on his face. He smiled, though, and replied, "I'll have that. Strawberry milk."

The girl pressed a button, and the machine dispensed the box with a rumble. She handed the box to the boy. "Here!"

He smiled and pulled the straw from the box. "Thanks. I owe you."

(Y/N) shook her head. "It's on me. Wanna just join me for lunch?"

Suga smiled. "Sure. Meet me on the roof."

And on that note, he ran to get his lunch.

The girl was left baffled. The roof? That's pretty high up...

She shook herself and told her to woman up. She marched back to her classroom and grabbed her bento, making her way up the stairs.

Suga was already there. He was holding onto the rail with one hand, while looking down on the carton of strawberry milk (Y/N) had bought him.

(Y/N) left her stuff next to his and approached him. She sipped her own drink and said, "Wow, I never knew there was something so interesting about a box of milk."

"AH!" the boy exclaimed. (Y/N)'s sudden appearance had startled him, causing him to let go of his milk box.

It started to fall, but (Y/N) quickly leaned over the railing to grab it. Thankfully, she barely managed to catch it, however, at the cost of her own drink.

She watched as the box fell down the building. Just as it made its descent, though, two boys had stepped out into the open. Judging by their hair, it seemed to be—


"And Daichi—"

The carton hit the ground with a splat! It exploded right in front of the team captain, and on instinct, the two ducked down against the rail.

(Y/N) smiled nervously. "Oopsie. I saved yours, though."

Suga looked at her with astonishment. He replied softly, "It was just a milk box. You could've tipped over the edge, y'know."

He was right. The girl had leaned her torso over the railing, and if it hadn't been for her strong grip, she would've slipped.

"Well, why don't you drink it then, so my almost dying wouldn't go to waste," she teased, handing the milk to him.

He took it and smiled. "Just don't do that again, okay? You worried me," he complained, gently punching her arm.

She playfully pouted. "C'mon, we still have lunch."

The two got up and sat on the bench, unwrapping their bentos. (Y/N) removed the cover of the box, revealing some cutely decorated rice cakes, squid, and other side dishes. Suga, on the other hand, had rice, tempura, and veggies on the side.

"Itadakimasu!" the two called, and they broke their chopsticks.

The two dug in, and a small blush appeared on (Y/N)'s face. So good...

Suga watched her from the side, letting out a hearty laugh. "Wanna trade dishes? I'm curious to know what tastes so good."

(Y/N) eagerly nodded. "Sure!"

They each handed over their mains and took a bite.

(Y/N)'s eyes lit up. "It's delicious!"

Suga smiled. "Thanks! Yours too! Did you make this?"

The girl nodded. "Yup! I always make my lunches."

The third year was impressed. "You should invite me over for dinner sometime. I'd love to try more of your dishes!"

(Y/N) gave him a mischievous grin. "Just wait till you try my ramen."

Suga laughed, and the two continued to eat, chatting together and enjoying themselves.

The girl was surprised, though, when the boy offered her his milk carton. "Want some? Take it as compensation for yours."

"I—" (Y/N) blushed.

"Oh c'mon, I can tell you want some," he pointed out. He held the straw up to her mouth, and she reluctantly took a sip.

"T-Thanks," she stuttered, still red.

Suga smiled at her, hints of red dusting his face. "Yup!"

He took a sip right after, and (Y/N) continued to eat with a small smile.

"Suga-chan, you're so kind," she blurted.

She realized what she said, and almost exploded.

What did you just say, (Y/N)?? she thought. You even used the wrong honorific!!

"Thank you," he replied, smiling. "You're very kindhearted too."

(Y/N) tried hiding by pouting and stuffing food in her mouth. "Don't copy me," she said, muffled.

Suga just laughed, and (Y/N) smiled to herself.

"Ne, you don't think Daichi-san'll get mad at us, would he?" the girl asked. She was worried that she might've gotten milk everywhere and just hoped that they wouldn't have to hear it as well.

"I don't think so," he replied. "Besides, I'm pretty sure that he didn't see us."

"Well, if you say so."

The two finished their lunches and gave their thanks for the meal. The bell rang not long after.

"Well then, thanks for joining me for lunch, Suga-san," (Y/N) smiled. "I'll be sure to have you over for dinner some time."

The boy nodded. "Yeah! I'm looking forward to this ramen you mentioned."

A playful smile appeared on her face. "Oh, just you wait."

(Y/N) bowed before leaving. "Well, see you later!"

Suga nodded back. "See you later!"

BONUS: During practice. . .

"Daichi-san? What's wrong? You seem super frown-y today," Tanaka noticed.

Yuh-oh, (Y/N) thought. She looked in Suga'a direction, who made a simple "shh" gesture.

"He got milk on his shoes," Asahi explained. "We were just walking outside, and all of a sudden a box of chocolate milk comes falling from the sky."

Tanaka bursted into fits of laughter. Daichi scowled.

"I'm boycotting milk from now on."


a/n: hehe i had so much fun writing this chapter! see you guys soon!

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