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(Y/N) made her way to the laundry machines, Sugawara next to her. The rain was still pattering hard outside, and the two were glad that they had made it in.

They were currently on their way to throw their clothes in the drying machine. The two had dried their hair (to their extent) using paper towels and changed— Sugawara in a t-shirt and shorts and (Y/N) borrowing another one of his sweaters.

The memory came back to her. She was willing to put up with the wet clothes she was currently wearing, but Sugawara insisted since she was vulnerable to a fever.

So here she was, wearing a sweater that was too big for her while nervously loading her soggy clothes into the dryer.

Once the it did its thing, the two proceeded back to the sleeping areas. Luckily, they found an unused room that (Y/N) could use.

"Hold on, I need to get something from the guys' room," Sugawara informed. "I'll be right back."

(Y/N) nodded, and he exited the room. Meanwhile, she made her way to the storage closet to grab her futon and sheets.

Unfortunately, though, the mattresses were out of her reach. Thet had been stacked up just a foot away from the roof, and (Y/N) didn't quite have the height to reach it.

"Well, years of climbing trees has got to pay off now," she said. She got closer to the top by planting her feet on the second mattress from the bottom, using one arm to hold on and the other to pull the mattress on the top.

She lost her grip, however, and fell. Luckily, she still did end up with her mattress.

"Ouch," she complained, rubbing her head. "Double whammy today, huh?"

She grabbed a pillow and blanket (which were in bins she could reach, thankfully) and placed them on the floor.

Not long after, Sugawara frantically entered the room, his own futon & sheets in hand. "What happened? I heard a loud thud from the hallway."

(Y/N) placed a hand on her head. "Oh, it's nothing! I reached for the mattress and fell," she replied, laughing nervously.

He looked at her with concern. "I could've just gotten them, y'know. Here, do you want me to get some ice?"

She shook her head. "I'll be fine! I've hit my head my times before, and it doesn't hurt that bad," she replied. She then noticed what the boy had in hand. "Anyways, why'd you bring your stuff here? Aren't you gonna sleep in the other room?" she asked.

Sugawara shook his head. "Nope. I'll stay here and keep you company," he informed with a smile. "Also, I'll get that ice."

(Y/N) was left speechless. She watched as the boy set his stuff down right next to hers, then exit the room.

"T-Thank you," she had called out, just as the boy had closed the door.

She was starting to get nervous. She had never shared a room with a boy other than Yakkun, but she was in no way related to Sugawara!

She laid down on her futon and carelessly threw her blanket over her. She turned and faced the left side of the room, where she saw the rain prick at the open window and a gray blur that was the moon.

She took one last glance at her phone, where she saw a notification from Kiyoko. (Y/N) was surprised she was up super late, and assumed that she probably woke to the sound of her ringtone. She didn't bother to check the message, however, and eventually succumbed to sleep.

Soon, the male third year had returned with an ice pack in hand. "(L/N)-san, here's—"

He immediately stopped talking once he saw (Y/N) on her futon, fast asleep. He let out a soft chuckle and approached the girl. Her (H/C) locks were spread out on her pillow, her hands clutched next to her face.

Careful as to not wake her, he gently moved her hair and placed the ice pack on her head. Surprisingly, he had remembered the specific spot from when she was explaining herself earlier.

Thankfully, the girl didn't fuss, except for letting out a small breath. After a few more minutes, the boy removed the pack and pulled her blanket up to her shoulders for warmth.

Suddenly, she had stirred, and turned her face toward the right. Her cheek was now touching the boy's hand. He froze in surprise, his face getting warm.

Carefully, he removed his hand and crawled under his own blanket, facing (Y/N), who was about two or three feet away from him.

A small smile rested on his face. "Goodnight, (L/N)-san."


a/n: nother chap done! next up, nekoma :DD

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