Chapter 25

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Reena's POV:
I stepped back as Bailey's eyes lost focus and felicity hunched over him, sobbing again,
"Felicity," I began softly, "we should bury him and go, all these bodies will attract zoms." I tried to be sensitive, but grief turns me rough, like it puts an armoured shell around me, sealing all emotion.
"Okay," she said quietly, kissing Bailey's forehead softly, she sat back. Realised I wasn't going to get much dogging out of her, so I began, channeling all my sadness, grief and anger to digging, then felicity placed him in the hole, and I shoved back in as she watched. We were just near finished when three zombies shuffled out of the trees, straight towards us, by the smell that hit me, I could tell there were more. We grabbed our bags and I dragged felicity in the opposite direction, towards the river. The reached the water at with the horde of zombies at least 50 metres behind us, but unfortunately for us, the river had swelled, it must have rained upstream and flooded, and as if on qui it started raining, softly at first, but then harder, fat wet droplets fell all around us and soon we were soaked to the skin. The zombies had advanced about half the distance by now and we had waded knee deep when lightning crackled across the sky, thunder rolling. We went deeper and at about my waist a cols surge of water tugged at my feet, threatening to sweep me downstream. At my neck deep felicity had already had to swim, holding not my bag to avoid being swept away and we were near half way across, but then the ground fell out of my reach and I launched myself through the water and could nearly touch the bottom, with felicity still holding on we waded out again, seeing the zombies were within five metres of the bank, we turned and walked away, there was no way they were going to get across there in a hurry.

We had been walking since the river and were still damp, it was twilight and the whole area had been shaded in blue light, ahead something glinted in the half-light, "Did you see that?" I asked felicity quickly, she nodded and we ran towards it, sure, it could be something dangerous, but at that point, we really didn't care. It was a fence, at least two metres in height, and winding off into the distance on either side, but on the other side, past the thin sliver of trees, was a city, populated by what looked like the uninfected, I looked at felicity in hope, this was our last chance. An agonised moan sounded from the bushes on our right, I squinted and saw at least four or five zombies through the thick leaves, I turned back to felicity, "get up a tree." I said, she obeyed, running to one that was a bit shorter and thinner than the others, I saw a good one, but she wouldn't be able to reach, damn it, "hey, this one!" I said pointing to the tree, she nodded and ran over,
"I can't reach," she pointed out,
"I know," I said, linking my hands, leaning down and putting them near the foot of the tree, "step up, I'll boost you." She stepped into my hands and I boosted her up, she pulled herself onto the branch and I swung myself up beside her,
"Now climb." I ordered, the zombies circled the tree in confusion as we climbed higher, it was still raining slightly and that mad e the branches a little slippery, I heard a short gasp from below me and looked down to see felicity hanging by her fingers,
"hang on" I said,
"There's not much else I can do at the moment." She said sharply,
"Sorry I didn't use the best phrase." I retorted, but she slipped again, now hanging by her finger tips, I was nearly there when she slipped completely, and with a screech she fell, "Felicity!" I yelled, but she was out of sight through the thick leaves.

Okay, I'm sorry about the constant changing of POV's, which is exactly what I promised not to do.... Anyway! Hope you liked that chapter and if not, I don't really blame you! Much more life ruining to come!


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