Chapter 2: The Dinner

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Ahsoka sat next to Lux at the dinner. There were lots of faces there from the rebels she assisted, as well as General Tandin and the Royal Militia. There was all sorts of fancy cuisine here, not just from Onderon, but from around the galaxy. She looked around the elegant looking ballroom. But then, she noticed a very somber looking Saw Gerrera. Ahsoka knew why he was acting like this. It was because she had failed to save his sister, Steela Gerrera.

"Ahsoka," said Lux, "What's wrong? Are you worried about Saw?" He must have noticed her expression.

"No, it's just... agh... it's Steela. I feel like it's my fault she died. I couldn't save her, I... I wasn't strong enough..."

"Stop talking like that! You're lucky you didn't die. If that gunship blasted you just a little to the right, it would have hit your heart and you'd be dead. Just be glad. We won. It's over now. Don't stay on it for too long."

"Why aren't you more sad about this? I know how you felt about her." Ahsoka felt a little uneasy squeezing that out.

Lux seemed to blush a little. "I... she was..."

"She kissed you! And you didn't stop her!"

"Ahsoka, please, calm down..."

Ahsoka took a few deep breaths. She was getting a little hot-headed and Letting her emotions take control. That was not the Jedi way.

"I'm sorry," she said, "I... I just wish I could have saved her..."

Ahsoka let out a sigh. Good thing she was leaving tomorrow, or else her feelings might get out of control.


Lux walked Ahsoka to her room. He was a little drunk, but even though she only had a drink or two, she said she felt really uneasy. She must not have a very high tolerance of alcohol.

"Ahsoka," he said, "I'm... I'm going to miss you when you leave tomorrow."

"Yeah," she said, "but maybe it's for the best. I let my feelings on what happened to Steela come right out. I said some things I shouldn't have. My master isn't the greatest at keeping his feelings at bay, he's quite impulsive. I think he's rubbed off on me too much. Maybe I could learn a thing or two from master Windu," she joked, "To this day I don't know if he even has feelings." They both laughed.

"Well, goodnight, 'Soka," he said.

"Goodnight, Lux."

Lux walked out of the room and closed the door. A few minutes before going to bed himself, she went into Ahsoka's room again. He felt like he was being a little creepy, but Ahsoka looked like she was so peaceful when she was sleeping. he tried to muster up the courage to do something crazy, like kiss her on the cheek, but he couldn't. He had feelings for the young Togruta, but he could never say it. She was a Jedi. He was a senator. He couldn't have feelings for her. So he pushed them back down to the depths of his mind. 

"I'm sorry, Ahsoka..." he mumbled under his breath. 

He walked out of the room. Ahsoka had a path ahead of her as one of the most skilled Jedi out there. Lux wasn't going to ruin it for her.

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