Chapter 30: The Interruption

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Ahsoka Tano awoke from a night which had brought her no visions, for once. This was her last full day on Onderon, before she had to leave back to Coruscant the next day.

She went over to the medical bay to check on Lux. Surprisingly, she didn't need to walk far before she ran into him.

"Lux!" Ahsoka said, "Are you okay walking?"

"Yeah," Lux replied, "The bacta spray the nurse gave me really helped."

Ahsoka looked around, seeing if there was anybody in the hall, and roped him into a kiss.

"Ahsoka, now's not the time-" He was cut off as her lips met his.

Ahsoka put her arms around Lux as she held him tighter.


The two quickly broke their kiss and looked over to find Saw Gerrera standing next to them. Ahsoka immediately started panicking.

"It's okay Ahsoka," said Saw, "I suspected it before Lux even knew you loved him back. I... kinda made him tell me he loved you."

"P-promise you won't tell anyone?" Ahsoka said.

"I already promised Lux, and I'll promise you," he said.

"You're... Surprisingly okay with this," Ahsoka said.

"Well, I never fully understood why a Jedi can't form attachments. I was thinking that maybe... maybe it would be for the better if you two got together."

"Well then, I guess I can trust you," Ahsoka said.


Lux sat in his room with Ahsoka eating breakfast. Being a voracious Togruta, Ahsoka chowed down her food at a worryingly fast pace.

"Hey, Ahsoka," Lux said, "slow down. I don't want you to choke!"

"Relax," laughed Ahsoka, "I won't."

Then, Lux got a bit more serious.

"Ahsoka... how did you beat Dooku?"

"I was... I was too fast for the old man, and he severely underestimated me."

"No, be honest."

Ahsoka took a deep breath.

"Lux, I... he did so much to try and harm you, and... something within me snapped. I started acting out in vengeance. I... I wanted to make him pay for what he tried to do. And that... That is a violation of the Jedi code greater than any other, greater than what we've done by falling in love... help me, Lux, I don't want to fall to the Dark Side..."

Tears began to roll down Ahsoka's face. Lux hugged embraced her and kissed her.

Immidiately, her crying began to slow to a stop.

"Thank you, Lux..." Ahsoka said after she broke the kiss, "I'm going to miss you so much..."

Lux's face looked down. He remembered that Ahsoka was to leave tomorrow. But... he wanted her to stay, so badly. He loved her, and for her to leave, and not know if he'll ever see her again, it was nerve-racking. Hopefully, sometime after this, they would meet up again. But...

I want her to stay, thought Lux, and maybe she does too.

Ahsoka, Daughter of the Light (Book 1): AttachmentWhere stories live. Discover now