Chapter 26: Face-to-Face

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Lux walked into Ahsoka's room after her required session of meditating. He sat next to Ahsoka and kissed her on the cheek.

"Oh, Lux..." Ahsoka said.

"Hey, I can't help it," replied Lux, "your face is like a magnet to my lips."

"And so is yours," she said as she pulled herself in to kiss Lux on the lips.

Being Ahsoka's boyfriend was perhaps the greatest feeling of all time for Lux. He occasionally thought that he was being a bit too close, with all his kissing Ahsoka and showing him his love at pretty much every opportunity. But since Ahsoka did that as well, it was safe for bothe of them to assume they were doing this whole relationship thing right.

"Hey, 'Soka," Lux said.

"What?" Ahsoka replied.

"I have some dinner plans for us tonight. We're going to the finest restaraunt in Iziz. I have a reservation."

Suddenly, Ahsoka seemed to stutter a bit, as if fear had just briefly swept over her.

"What's wrong?" Lux asked.

"Nothing," replied Ahsoka, "I'm... fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. When are we going?"

"In about an hour," said Lux.

Even as he walked out of Ahsoka's room, he still wondered what was with that brief fearful look from Ahsoka. He couldn't help but think she had sensed something. Perhaps it was the presence of the Dark Side again?

Lux shook it off. The Separatists had left Onderon. Bane was in captive, and was being shipped to Coruscant. Surely, there couldn't be anything bad that could happen.


Ahsoka walked with Lux down the street. They would have held hands, but then people might have caught on to them. They would have to keep their relationship a secret. That was a sad reality they had to accept. This date would have to be disguised as some "bodyguarding" or something.

Yet, with each step Ahsoka took forward, something felt... wrong. Like something was about to happen, but she didn't know what. Yet, for some reason, she also felt compelled to walk forward, to face whatever it was. She hadn't had any visions, so what could it be?

"Here we are!" Lux said as they arrived at the restaurant. It was indeed rather fancy-looking.

However, something was wrong. the lights were out, and it looked closed.

"That's... odd," Ahsoka said, "I thought it would be open. You didn't use your permissions as a Senator to get us some time alone, did you?"

"No, I... I didn't."

"Let's check this out. Maybe there's some reasoning behind this."

Ahsoka very well knew she could be walking into something dangerous, but was still somehow compelled to check it out.

She opened opened the door.

It only took a few steps in to realize something terrible had happened.

Tables and chairs had been overturned. There were bodies on the floor, some of which looked like they died holding their blasters. Some of the blasters were still warm, and the room smelled slightly of blaster ozone, so the incident happened recently. Some looked to have died of blaster marks, but some had their limbs cut off, or had a gaping hole in their chest.

That could mean only one thing: the attacker had a lightsaber.

"We need to go," Ahsoka said, "we have to go NOW."

But the door shut and locked behind them, all on it's own.

Across the room, a red lightsaber shone to light, illuminating the face of one of, if not the most feared person in the galaxy.

Count Dooku.

Fear immediately overcame Ahsoka.

"This little game has gone on far enough," said the Count, "First you and your senator friend deny me this planet, and then you deprive me of my finest assassin. You have been a thorn in my side for far too long."

Ahsoka took a few steps backwards in complete and utter fear.

Lux, however, was a bit more brave.

"Dooku!" Lux shouted at the count, "You'll pay for what you did to my mother!" Lux pulled out a blaster.

But then, he started to stutter. He dropped the blaster and grabbed his neck as Dooku lifted him up with a force choke.

"NO!!!" Ahsoka yelled.

She ignited her lightsabers and ran at Dooku.

Dooku broke his force choke on Lux, and he fell to the ground unconcious.

He readied his lightsaber to bring it down on Ahsoka, but she blocked his initial blow with an X-shape of her own lightsabers.

Ahsoka had engaged in combat with Count Dooku himself.

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