Chapter 36 ~ Packages

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'Okay, fine. I admit this was a bad idea.' I thought.

Where was I right now? Inside a box. Why was I inside a box? Good question. Well, I had been watching videos of people mailing themselves. So, like the intellectual I am, I decided to mail myself to Spinel's house.

Obviously, it was a terrible idea.

I felt the sun shining for what seemed like an hour before feeling myself being picked up. The person carrying me dropped me immediately, and I bit my lip to keep from yelping. The person sighed, swore a little, then picked me up again. They put me in their car and the warmth I had awhile ago disappeared.


I counted in my head to about 10,098 before feeling myself being lifted again. I kept hearing groans and swear words before being dropped on the ground. This time, I let out a quiet whimper. Thankfully, no one heard me. The tiny holes at the bottom of the box let out a tiny bit of light. I heard voices.

"Oh? What is this?" A elegant womanly voice said.

"Blue? What are you—...oh stars, what is that?" A more mature and commanding womanly sounding voice said.
"I'm not sure Yellow, it seems to be a package for Spinny darling." The elegant woman, known as Blue, answered.
"Maybe it's another one of her punching bags." A mysterious woman joined the conversation.
"Oh! Hello White. And didn't she get one last week?" Yellow curiously mumbled the last part. "Wait, what's that?"
"This? It's a note for Spinel." Blue handed the paper to Yellow. I watched from one of the breathing holes. "Would you like me to read it?"
"Yes, please." White replied.

"Dear Spinel, please open this inside your room. It's a special surprise I wanted you to have. Sincerely, Y/N."

"Huh? Who's Y/N?" Yellow asked, then bit her lip.
"I'm not sure. But...why don't we open the box? What if Y/N is a bully?" White suggested. "What if Y/N is a bully who sent a prank to our dear Spinel?"

'No, no, you've got it all wrong. I'm the victim.' I thought, holding back giggling. I noticed hands coming towards the opening. For a split second, the Sisters all saw my surprised face.

I did what any person could do in the moment, and decided to roll myself. The three women screamed as a rolling box began careening around the large house at top speed.

I couldn't hear anything besides the box hitting the floor, and I couldn't see anything except the muddy brown color of the box and occasional patches of the white flooring. I dared not to say anything as my body in a box spun around the huge mansion.

I counted the seconds in my head. I had been rolling around for about ten minutes now, and it seemed like I had reached a far location where Spinel's aunts couldn't find me.

I got out of the box and knocked on a door. When it didn't open, I twisted the knob and peeked inside.

Spinel was quietly listening to music in her AirPods, eyes closed.

I tiptoed over and thought about grabbing her ankles to scare her, or just gently tapping her to make her notice me.

I went with the first choice. I violently wrap my hands around her ankles move her a little. She jolts up as I laugh.

"Shortcake! What the fuck!" She exclaimed.

"Pfft, mind your language." I said in between laughs.

"Wait, what are ya doin' here? The Sisters don't know about cha, y'know."

"Well, it all started with..." and so I explained how my idea was to get inside a package and mail myself.

"Idiot." She said, flicking my forehead. "You could've suffocated in there. And plus, the Sisters probably already have some kinda search or security team goin' around-"


"A-auntie! Stop it! She's my best friend!"

Blue Diamond's eyes widened, then relaxed. She ushered the security away and sighed. "Starlight, you mustn't make your friends do this."

Spinel grumbled unintelligible words and looked away. I stifled giggles.

"I'm so sorry, child, what's your name?" Blue asked, and gave a gentle smile.

"My name is Y-Y/N." I snickered. "Pleased to meet you!"

"It is very pleasant to meet a friend of Spinel's! She doesn't talk much to others, I'm very glad she met someone who could manage to befriend her!"

"A-auntie!" Spinel whined.

"You know it's true, Spinel darling, you never did accept the other children at school! Please refrain from hurting this one!" Blue sighed, calming down. "Now then, I'll leave you two to enjoy your time. Feel free to come grab snacks if you're hungry!"

She closed the door softly. I heard her footsteps draw farther and farther until Spinel relaxed and loudly breathed in relief.

"So, I hear you didn't 'accept' the other kids when you were little?" I sadistically snickered at her embarrassed expression.

"Y-yeah, so what? Nobody could keep up with me! Plus, they all sucked."

"Uh huh, what about high school? Make any new friends besides the ones who are named after gems??"

Spinel didn't answer and simply pouted. I laughed at her even more.

"Alright, so what do ya wanna do?" She asked, changing the subject to avoid any more embarrassment.

"I was thinking we could listen to your music and just cuddle. Maybe occasionally have a conversation?"

"Mmm, okay. Let's do it." She pulled out her earphone and handed me it. I carefully placed it in my ear and sat closer to her at the head of the bed.

She pulled me into her chest. I put my arms around her and dropped a little, taking her invitation into her sweater.
The faint music of the song "Sweater Weather" played in our ears.

"Use the sleeves of my sweater, let's have an adventure." Spinel sang quietly. As if on cue, her sleeves wrapped around my full body.

Her eyes were shut. I followed her lead, closing my eyes as well, eventually losing consciousness.

 𝕙𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕤𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕠𝕝 𝕤𝕨𝕖𝕖𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕤 [SPINEL X FEM!READER]Where stories live. Discover now