*swallows lump in throat*

26 0 3

Damn you author. You can read my mind ;~;

Ya know what I'm reading? Down there belooooooooooooow :P

Don't worry about me too much m'kay? Offline time actually made me happier. So I guess the culprit to the worsening is online time. Triggers yo

So I increased my absences online while I happily draw and write offline. Unplug your wifi. Mehbeh it can help a bit

So far, whenever I get online, I no longer head straight to Wattpad but to DeviantArt instead. Home sweet home DeviantArt <3

*stares at the profile picture* You know you want a that cutie. You knooooooooooooow

Anyways see you later :P If you still want my random shit, find my Facebook and be prepared for a spam much worse than Mango's (No offense Mango! I actually flood all over >_<)

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