Chapter 17 - Day 46, 1/3

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It has been a full month and one week since (Y/N) became the manager for the Inarizaki's volleyball club for boys.

She describes her experience as tiring, sometimes overwhelming, and woderfully fun. Expecially fun.

From her boring days of just practicing her bass and violin now became memories of where which she would be with the team. Assisting them and taking care of them just puts a smile on her face.

She knows the guys' full information on both physical build and volleyball performance. She loves learning even if it was about people.

The team would often go out for ramen, she would tag along and eat with them. She even once treated them, Osamu took full advantage of it and buy two or three bowls.

Money wasn't an issue with this girl.

Now we're wondering what they are doing right now. They're in their classes either listening, sleeping, or tuning out the teacher.

Our favorite blonde is definitely tuning out his teacher.

Atsumu glanced boredly at his math teacher who was rambling about algebra. He sighs as he leans back on his chair.

He glanced at his notebook that was filled with doodles, mostly its about volleyballs or 'your name x miya atsumu'.

He realized, he hasn't had alone time with her for, like, since the beginning. And yet, here his brother, captain, and his brother's bestfriend is ahead of the 'competition' while he has barely started.

He clocked his tongue, feeling annoyed and inferior to them. He has got to make his move, somehow.

'But I have no idea when or where...' His mind trailed off.

If only there was something you and him had in common. Something that would deeply connect the two of you. Something that would get her attention. Something that would make him spend time with you.

He sighed, 'Like I could find one. She's the total opposite of me.'

Just in time, the bell rang. It was now recess and their teacher quickly recap their lesson before dismissing them.

"Yo, Atsumu. I'm going to the caf for a while. Don't miss me too much." Ginjima said as he went along with a group of guys who were in the same class as them.

Atsumu rolled his eyes, "Like I'd miss you, boke." He mumbled under his breath as he too got up from his seat.

He made his way towards the vending machine, the same one that he had met (Y/N). Back then, she was a scaredy cat, like life-on-the-line scared.

He chuckled as he inserted a few coins.

"...saw the ad, I was so hyped for it! You have to come with me and buy it, Suga-chan!" A familiar voice said as it neared him.

Atsumu glanced at his back to see a sparkly (Y/N) and her silver-haired friend.

Sugawara smiled apologetically, "Gomen, (L/N)-chan but Daichi asked be out that day." She rubbed the back of his neck.

(Y/N) looked heart broken as she inanimatedly cried, "Waaah! That man has been stealing you away from me!"

"Relax, kawaii-chan. I'm sure you can get it yourself." Suga said as she patted (Y/N)'s (H/C) hair.

"But I don't wanna be alone..." (Y/N) whined as she pouted.

'Cute... Okay, she's always cute but, more importantly, what the heck are they talking about?' He though.

Apparently he didn't realize he was taking too long when Sugawara politely called to him, "Excuse us but we need our turn too."

Atsumu broke free of his trance, quickly pressing the milk, "Gomen, I was thinking."

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