Chapter 29 - Day 67

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(Y/N) sneezed.

She groaned as she grabbed a tissue and blew her nose.

After the mini-event happened yesterday, her immune system apparently had enough of her antics so it leads to her current state as of the moment.

Which is being sick.

She sneezed as she wrapped herself in multiple blankets, turning herself into a burrito.

She decided to be absent today. She doesn't have the energy to go to school. The bad part would be Sugawara finding out that her table have insults in them.

(Y/N) goes to school pretty early just to clean the mess those three girls would do to her table. She just prays that Suga would not confront them.

Another thing she's partly guilty about is that she still has Akagi's VBC jacket. She washed it last night but she wouldn't be able to give it to him right away.

She sighed, 'I guess I have to give it to him when I get better. Hopefully soon.' She thought.

She grabbed her phone and opened the multiple messages she has gotten.

To: (Y/N) (L/N)
From: Suga-chan

Why are you not in school? ( ŏ_ŏ)

What are these writtings in your table??


(Y/N) groaned, feeling bad that her friend had to know about that. True, she did share her current predicament but not the table thing. Though it probably isn't that big of a deal but to Suga?

That girl would probably go on a riot.

She read the messages and decided to not reply, she feels lazy after all. She hopped into youtube and started watching this random guy opening expired milk.

Lets just say she felt pity and disgusted.

She made a weird face before clicking on to the next video.

{ + }

Suna and Kita's presences can be felt in the hallway. They stared at each other, wondering why the other person is here.

"Oh... Domo, Kita-senpai." Kita rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, not expecting him to bump into his captain.

Kita nodded, giving him a small smile, "Hello Suna."

Suna shifted his feet awkwardly as he glanced in the classroom of their precious manager. Kita noticed this and mentally thought of his own conclusion that the young boy was looking for her as well.

"So, you're inviting her for lunch too?" Kita asked straighforwardly as his eyes narrowed.

Suna turned to him and narrowed his eyes as well. He knew that his captain took her to that rumoured tree, acting all lovey-dovey.

He was not having it.

"Hai." Suna answered as they began to have a stare down.

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