Chapter 7: Asahi

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Class finished Yuki and I were heading to the gym. Ryoko ended up having detention cause she talked back to a teacher but it was amusing to see.

Yuki: That Idiot

Kc: I know *Giggles*

Up a head we saw Daichi and Asahi. Asahi looked scared and tried to run away form Daichi. I looked at Yuki and a small smile was on her face.

Kc: Poor Asahi who knows what Daichi is telling him right know.

Yuki: Yeah....

Kc: Wanan go talk to him?

She nodded and we walked closer to them, Asahi looked at Daichi with a upset face and Daichi turned around and called him a wuss.

Kc: Aw man that's just mean...

Daichi then said a few encouraging words to him and punched his arm.

Yuki: Boys are weird.

I nodded in agreement once we got to them I smiled and waved to Asahi. He then notice Yuki and his face heated up a bit. Daichi didn't notice we where here yet.

Kc: Daichi! I need you for a sec

Daichi: Huh? Wha-

Before he said anything I just grabbed his hand and dragged him to the gym once inside I gave Asahi and Yuki a thumbs up and shut the door.

Kc: Oh hey you 2

Hinata: Hi Kc! *Grins*

Kageyama: Hello

I turned around to Daichi and he was already looking at me.

Daichi: So what did you wanted to talk about?

Kc: Nothing just wanted to give those 2 some alone time

He deadpanned and shook his head. I laughed a bit and went to help the 2 boys out.
Later on Takeda came with some other guy. It was that guy form the store. Everyone started to question him even Daichi which was rude because they didn't even greeted him. I smacked Daichi's head and started to scold him.

Kc: Greet him first before you ask questions!

Daichi: Ow! That hurt! *Whines*

He started to rub his head, I felt kinda bad so I started to rub his head while the temporary new coach told us that he set up a practice match right now.

Yuki: Right now?

Ukai: Yes now you should get ready!

Everyone: Right!

I stopped rubbing Daichi's head and him and the team started to stretch.

Yuki: You scold him and smack him then you feel bad and start being sweet to him...

Kc: *Giggles* I felt bad and he deserved it for being rude.

Yuki: Yeah I have to agree on that

Kc: So did you talked to Asahi about the team?

Yuki: I tried my best, but I think he's going to comeback he really loves volleyball
Asahi ended up playing with us thanks to Hinata spotting him and Coach Ukai making him come play. I was happy, Yuki was as well, everyone was happy, then the game started. Ryoko finally came she saw what was going on and got excited.

Ryoko: Asahi came back?

Kc: Not re-


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