Chapter 13: Love

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Once we caught up with everyone Coach made me help them practice their receives. I technically just spiked the ball to them. Although i did it a bit rough, coach told me to do it harder.

Noya: Wow Kc your spikes are amazing! I never knew you where left handed!

Kc: I'm not I just play with my left hand *Giggles*

They practice and bit more and Noya did a move called rolling thunder which Tanaka made fun off. He looked at me to say somethings I thought it was adorable.

Kc: Tanaka leave him alone *Laughs* Noya I thought it was cool and adorable *Smiles*

Noya: See! Kc gets it!

Tanaka: Kc is always nice! *Laughs*

Noya: Whatever I'll take any compliment she gives me. Either way she gives me the most compliments out of everyone here!

Tanaka: No she doesn't! She gives me more compliments.

Kageyama: I think she praise me more.

Hinata: No she doesn't! She always tells me how good I am!

I just looked at them while they argue, Daichi was starting to get annoyed which I thought was funny.

Daichi: IF YOU DO-

Kc: Keep arguing and I promise you guys won't hear of me ever again

I looked at them dead in their eyes and they froze up and just nodded rapidly.

Kc: Good now do your best! *Smiles*

They smiled and everyone made there way to the court. Hinata got us the first point which was lucky cause the other team almost blocked his spike. Hinata and Kageyama finally did there amazing quick attack and everyone went crazy.


Both smiled and gave me a thumbs up. I did the same every was really surprised. Tsukishima got in and immediately him and Kageyama started to argue. Daichi wasn't having it and Tanaka saved the day. The boys got us another point thanks to Hinata and Kageyama. Datatec called for a time out, Kiyoko and I gave the boys there water bottles and Towels

Kc: You guys are doing great out there!

Asahi: You really think so?

Kc: Yes!

Asahi: I don't know Kc..

Suga: Take the compliment Asahi!

After a while more of playing Asahi finally made a point Yuki and Ryoko started to scream his name out of happiness.


We won the first set, We have our water bottles and towels. I made my way to Asahi who was look deep and thought. I started to shake him out of excitement and happiness.


I hugged him tightly and smiled brightly at him, he laughed a bit and smiled as well.

Asahi: Thank you Kc, I couldn't have done it with you guys cheering me on *Smiles*

He patted my head, I think the boys were waiting for a compliments to but I shrugged them off. I give them to many compliments and I don't give Asahi that many. It was only fair, Yuki and Ryoko where shouting out his name. Coach Ukai change the rotation a bit so Hinata wouldn't be Marked as much. Asahi said he would be the best Ace and he sounded very cool about it.

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