Chapter 32: Reunited

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As we got out of the bus, I immediately got surround by my fans.

Kc: Hey *Laughs*

Yuki: Oh boy

I ended up getting separated from the boys but they didn't mind they kinda expected it. I did as well especially since yesterday in the news there was a clip of me. Everyone started to ask for pictures, autographs and videos. Yuki helped me out while Ryoko recorded this and laughed. Everyone got in line and I started to take pictures, videos and I gave them my autograph. I saw Yui and her friends, they were talking to Daichi, then Yui took something out of her bag and gave it to Daichi while blushing a bit. Daichi grabbed it and rubbed the back of his neck and thanked her. Once again jealousy came over me but I pushed it away so I wouldn't ruin the mood that I was having with my fans.

Yuki: Looks like your going to be stuck here for a while, I'll tell the others

I just nodded and smiled at her, She left with Ryoko and I just kept taking pictures with my fans

3rd POV

As Yuki and Ryoko walked to the boys they notice that they suddenly stopped. They couldn't see what was going on but saw Hinata and Kageyama walk a bit ahead. Then a familiar voice was heard, they looked at each other and walked a bit a head to make sure if it was actually him.

Ushijima: Tobio Kageyama and Shōyō Hinata

When they saw him their hearts dropped not only was his voice deeper but he got way more handsome and taller and buffer. Ushijima was focused on the boys in front of him he didn't bother to look at the others. The girls waited so he could finish knowing he doesn't like being interrupted in moments like these.

Kageyama: We made it to the finals

Hinata: No matter what you think of us we are going to defeat you and go to nationals.

Everyone either smiled or looked surprised at them. Ushijima just stared at them for a while.

Ushijima: Im looking forward to it. See you in the court.

After that he just stood there, everyone looked at him confused especially since we was looking around in the team as if he was looking for someone. The girls decided to come out.

Yuki: You know Ushijima you have gotten taller

Ryoko: Not only that but you're voice got even deeper!

Ushijima started a them a bit wide eyes, the girls smiled than ran to him giving him a hug. Ushijima has his stoic face as usual but awkward hugged them back. He wasn't use to being hugged by other people, the only exceptions where his mother and Kc. The boys stood there really confused.

Ushijima: Hello Yuki and Ryoko.

Yuki: You big dork why haven't you called us!


They started to smack him but it didn't affect him at all. He just stood there looking at them amused.

Ushijima: I apologize I have been busy

Yuki: Even for Nini?

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