Chapter 41: The End

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As the year past Kc and Daichi had another child this time a little girl name Aki. The little one year old was very calm compared to her older brother.

Daichi: I'm home!

Aki: Dada!

Takashi: Dad!

Daichi: Hey! *Smiles*

Takashi give his dad a hug and then Daichi picked up her daughter.

Daichi: Where's your mother?

Takashi: Mommy is in the kitchen

Daichi: Alright, have you done your homework?

Takashi: Yup *Smiles*

Daichi: Alright *Smiles* go play with your little sister for a while okay?

Takashi: Okay *Smiles*

Daichi put Aki down and ruffled Takashi's hair. He then made his way to the kitchen. He saw Kc and immediately wrapped his arms around her.

Kc: You're home early *Giggles*

Daichi: I wanted to see my family *Chuckles*

He kissed her cheek then her neck. Kc laughed and turned around to him.

Kc: Not even the kids want this much affection *Laughs*

Daichi: Yeah well I'm your husband *Smiles*

Kc wrapped his arms around his neck and gave him a kiss.

Takashi: Ewwww!

They broke the kiss and saw Takashi and Aki. Kc started to laugh and Daichi smiled.

Daichi: What are you guys doing here *Chuckles*

Takashi: I was going to ask Mommy if she was going to shower us.

Daichi: I'll do it, your mother is busy

Takashi just nodded and left Aki right behind him. Daichi turned back to Kc and gave her a quick peck before leaving to shower.

Kc: (I have everything I could ever ask for)

The next day Kc went out to a cafe, Daichi decided to take the month off and he wanted to spend time with his kids and wife since he can't really do so because of work. Kc decided to take a break from her acting and modeling career, to take care of her kids for a while as well. Money isn't a problem at all she had lots of it.

Kc: ( It's been a while since I've been having some me time)

Daichi was taking the kids to the park. He watched his son go down the slide and his daughter was sitting next to him eating some ice cream. Kc decided to now walk around a bit. She was near the park she was going there but some stopped her. It was one of her fans.

Guy: Excuse Kc?

Kc: Hello there *Smiles*

Guy: Hi! Can I take a picture with you?

Kc: Of course!

He smiled and they started to take pictures. They took some silly ones and some with them hair smiling. Daichi spotted her and saw what was going on. He didn't mind it, he knows Kc is someone who inspires people. But he didn't like one thing if people kiss her. He doesn't mind in the cheek but sometimes people tend to kiss her lips due to excitement and well other reasons as well. That's what just happened the guy kissed her in the lips and then walked off. Kc stood there shook but Daichi was pretty mad about it. Kc ended up going somewhere else and Daichi stayed at the park a little while for the kids.

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