Chapter 3: Jordan

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The night sky is sometimes the only peaceful thing nowadays. No matter how dark the world gets, how lost everyone is, the sky will always be there, shining its stars to light your path. I don't know when my fascination with the sky started, but I don't care. It makes for a good drawing. I'd been sitting on the roof of an abandoned apartment building sketching the sky. I don't mind J.V. watching me draw, but he wanted to look around to make sure trouble was at bay. Works for us both I guess.

It's always been me and J.V. (or sometimes I call him Jay) I was alone when this all started. I decided to take off from that old house in Massachusetts that I was forced to call home. It was the best and worst decision I think I've ever made. Although I was overjoyed to be free, I worried about my siblings. I tried to go back to them, but then all of this happened, and it led me here, the outskirts of New York. I met J.V. accidentally.

I was looking for some food, what kind and where it was from didn't matter anymore. I soon found myself looking in a school (Bad idea). There were zombies everywhere. One jumped out at me and I fell down a flight of stairs, almost breaking my arm. Then, J.V. appeared, helping me up and we ran out of the school. "Be careful." was all he said. As a way to show my thanks, I shared some of the food I grabbed with him and we were always together after that.

Of course, we tried to find a group, but that didn't work. It always ended the same. Meet people, get integrated, make 'friends,' watch someone you grew to care for getting infected and watch them suffer until someone puts them out of their misery. After that, you aren't a group anymore, you're just people.

I look up at the sky. Dark blue, a little darker than navy, light grey clouds, white stars, fewer than normal. Not that colors matter, I only have a worn-down pencil and an old sketchbook.

"What are you doing out here? Aren't you cold?"

J.V. 's voice breaks me out of whatever state I was in. He was standing on the window sill of a window on the floor below me.

"No, I'm fine. I just came out here to sketch." I showed him the sketchbook and he nodded as he jumped onto the roof with me.

"Still," he threw me the hoodie I normally wear. I must have left it downstairs somewhere," I don't want you getting sick."

I took the hoodie and flung it over my shoulders. J.V. sighs as he sits down next to me. He has his normal blank expression on his face, looking out at the city.

"I don't think we can stay here," he said," Too crowded."

"People or zombies?" I ask.

He shrugs," Both. More people means more zombies."

"We could find a group,-"

"And get killed." He turns away," We should leave in a few hours, it's better to go in the morning."

I sigh. I liked this place. It was nice, peaceful, even if it was temporary.

"Think we'll find someone?" I asked hopefully.

He shrugs," I doubt it." 

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