Chapter 24: Winnie

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I walked into our room, a little tired from my battle, I ended up fighting some girly girl who didn't know how to fight or anything, so it was an easy win. Swiper still cheered me on, though. You see, we have a symbiotic relationship. Swiper provides me with friendship and emotional support while I provide him with impulse control and morality.

Once I entered the room, I immediately noticed that Swiper wasn't in the room. In addition to that, there was a note on his bed.

I am going to go out to the main room for a bit. I totally promise that I won't be stealing anything. I'll see ya later. Love you!


P.S. Please do not attempt to stop me

I gave a big sigh. He's at it again. Can he not steal something for five minutes? Either way, I might want to stop him from doing something he will regret.

I walked out of our room and headed for the main one. There were still a lot of competitors there, so I did get a lot of stares. Most of them gave terrified glances at each other but I didn't care. All I needed to do was find Swiper and return to our room.

After a couple of minutes, I decided that maybe I should get someone to help me out. I walked to the closest person to me. He wore a black leather jacket, a plain white shirt, and some blue jeans. He also had his black hair up in a short pony-tail and had some freckles on his cheeks. All in all, He had that sort of classic "drug-dealer" vibe.

"Hey, mind if you can-" I started as I placed my hand on his shoulder.

He quickly turned around, his green eyes widening with surprise and terror. He quickly grabbed an eight-ball stick and pointed it at me.

"I HAVE A STICK AND I'M NOT AFRAID TO USE IT!" He shouted, his voice tainted with fear.

"I am not going to maul you, I was just going to ask you a question."

He lowered the stick down but kept his eyes on me as if to make sure I didn't do anything. He was terrified out of his wits. It was kind of fun to watch.

"Do you promise?" He whispered quietly.

"I promise." I rolled my eyes," Now could I ask my question?"

"Well sure...."

"Can you help me find Swiper? He is a short raccoon person who also happens to be a kleptomaniac and I am trying to stop him before he gets into trouble."

He perks up," You know that oversized raccoon who keeps on stealing everything from everybody?"

"Yes, and I am pretty much his impulse control," I answered. I'm definitely lecturing him for causing this much trouble.," Can you help me find him?"

"Sure, I'll help," He replied as he nodded," If you want my name, just in case, I'm Simon Merriweather. What's your name by the way?"

"I'm Winnie."

"Winnie what?"

"Just Winnie, I don't have a last name."

"Oh. Well then, should we find your raccoon? "

We left the area to find the little thief that was Swiper. There wasn't a trace of him in the main room, which was admittedly strange since that's where he usually is. Suddenly, we heard an extremely loud crash at the auditorium.

"Do you think something bad happened to Swiper?" Simon asked timidly.

"No, I hope not, but I think Swiper happened to someone." I responded as we ran towards the sound.

When we reached the auditorium, low and behold, that little kleptomaniac was laying down on the stage holding a suitcase. He looked up at us and gave us a little stare.

"Winnie, this isn't what it looks like." He quickly said and he lifted himself up.

I gave him a flat glare," You are currently trying to steal a suitcase and you just fell on the stage."

"Then it is exactly what it looks like."

I walked towards the stage and swiftly picked him up. He attempted to escape, but after my years of practice hauling him out of sticky situations, he wasn't going anywhere. He was mine.

"Can you not steal at the very least for 5 to 10 minutes?" I asked, exasperated.

"I can try but you know full damn well that won't happen." He smiled.

I sighed and turned to Simon," I'm sorry I dragged you into this."

Just then, there was a crackling noise on the speaker as it turned on," We have been made aware that there are some Canadians in the competition. So we've decided to shake things up a bit. Please come to the break room immediately."

"What's up with Canadians?" Swiper asked quietly," First, it was the Muffin Mother wanting to go to war with them and now this."

"I have no idea." I responded as I placed him down," But whatever happens, we stick together."

He nodded," Even if I can't promise to you that I won't steal, I can promise that I will always stay by your side."

We left the auditorium as we walked side by side, curious to see what was in store for us this time.

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