Chapter 31: Nepoznat

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I was pretty lucky, to be honest. There was a lounge area that I could be in while everyone else was off doing whatever and a TV I could watch them on. Everyone seemed happy and chill, except for Swiper. He seemed a little jumpy and after a bit, I started getting suspicious about how efficiently our group was finding ghosts. I mean, I was excited that we were winning, but something seemed off with just how well we were doing.

I used the remote to zoom in on the feed of our group and right as I did, Swiper pulled out a small metallic device. Now, what in the heck could that be? It had a tiny map, and little flickering, red dots on its screen. Was it some sort of tracking device? One of the dots started flickering more and more. Suddenly, the ghost of the Russian Maple had beat popped up and the dot freaked out. Everyone rushed to pull out their vacuums and Muffin ended up capturing it. The dot ceased flickering.

That was too suspicious for me not to take note. So was it some sort of tracking device? I needed to find out. But I wasn't necessarily the confrontational type, so maybe I could pull Swiper aside separately. The Competitors were leaving the mansion now. I went to talk to Swiper, but as I went to turn the corner, I heard voices down a hallway. Curious, I crept down the hallway, and I could barely make out the lean figure of the game master, and two slightly smaller figures in white lab coats.

"Shadow Phantom didn't actually do too hot in the last game. He let all of his 'friends' take all the ghosts. We need him in the game, just long enough for the supplies to be gathered."

"I know, I know, we'll just say he did well. Trust me, I got this." The game master pointed with two thumbs at his chest.

"Ok, that sounds good. Anyways, 'project Honey', is in good condition." The shortest of the three said softly.

I held my breath. Projects? Shadow Phantoms? What was even happening? I was so confused and lost in thought, I didn't notice that I had been spotted. I saw something moving in my peripheral vision and whipped my head around to protect myself. I felt a sharp pinch in my arm, and something injected from a needle. I felt dizzy and fell over.

"Take her to one of the tanks." The figure looked at my hand and smirked," This one will make for an... Interesting, subject." 

I woke up in a sort of white void looking place and noticed a few others. I couldn't make out who exactly they were since apparently, I didn't have my glasses anymore.

"Hey," One of them said casually," welcome to the void."

The other one helped me up," So far, you're our third member."

"W-What happened?" I asked, rubbing my head.

"You must have been either disqualified or maybe even kidnapped." The first one said.

"Hold on a minute," I said," who are you guys?"

"Well," The one helping me said," this might shock you a bit, but I'm Winnie."

Obviously, he was correct and I was a bit surprised.

"So if I'm here with you..." I said, trying to piece everything together," I'm dead."

"No," He said," somehow, I was brought back and now we're in a sort of in-between place."

"Speaking of you two, who's the other person here?"

The other one laughed a little," Man, you really are blind without those glasses. It's me, Peter Pizza Roll."

I seized up a little and my heart started racing," Wait, you're here?"

"Yup, I'm as real as it gets if you don't count the fact that this could just be some sort of mental playground or something."

I shook my head," This is so weird. Anyways, you guys wouldn't happen to have a spare pair of glasses, would you?"

"Not now," Winnie said," but from what we could gather, we can basically create whatever we want here."

"Like I said," Peter said, acting like this was normal," mental playground."

Out of curiosity and since I had no other way to see, I tried getting a pair of glasses and shockingly, it worked. We talked for a while, played some games, and after a bit, Winnie started to kind of glitch out.

"Is this normal?" I asked," Because I want to know before I phase out of reality on accident or something."

"Not entirely," Peter said," from what I can tell, it means he's waking up a little."

I got a little excited," Tell me what you see when you come back!"

"You mean if." Winnie said.

"The chances of anyone being here to rescue us are little to none currently," I said," I also prefer to focus on how bad things can be so I'm not disappointed in the world."

They both gave me a concerned look and then Winnie disappeared altogether. We continued playing games for a bit until he eventually reappeared, looking shaken up.

"What'd you see?" I asked curiously.

He didn't say anything.

"Hey," Peter said with a hint of concern, starting to walk towards him," You okay?"

He shook his head, "No, no I'm not."

"What happened out there?" I asked, now starting to get worried as well.

He sat there for a moment," Swiper is working for the game master."


Well, that's a problem.

I'm back for now and the uploads are going to be pretty random unlike last night where I copy-pasted like, 10 in one sitting.

Good news, I don't feel like death itself and I can eat more than applesauce without feeling like I'll throw up! So I guess that means more uploads or something idk.

This note has very little value I just realized........

-Writer boi

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