Chapter fifteen: You're A Liar

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Anything can happen in the span of twenty-four hours. That's quite a long time, mind you.

You can find yourself in the sketchiest part of town, discover a hidden gem, meet your future archnemesis or sister-in-law, create a remedy for an ongoing world crisis, or maybe take over the universe.

The last part isn't encouraged if we were to be clear.

There are infinite possibilities, but you can only choose one.

Like Abigail Krone for example. She could be anywhere, nabbing anything! But she chose to hang around Five's bedroom.

She made herself comfy in the boy's quarters, finally getting a chance to read the file on Jonathan Quill after persistent begging for almost a whole day. She sat cross-legged on the floor, back leaning on the bed frame, and eyes fixated on the text at each page. Whenever she had a problem, she would turn her head and look up.

Five stood on his bed, chalk at hand and adding more to the endless equations on his wall. His back was facing Abigail as his fingers continued gliding the chalk on the wall at a calculated pace. He didn't bother to stop every time the girl asks a question. But there were times where he would turn his head and question what goes on the girl's mind when she asks strange questions.

Most of the time, the soft screeching of the chalk along with the sound of pages flipping was what filled the silence of the room. No one would speak since they were immersed in their own world.

Not that it minded them though. Just because they don't speak that much doesn't mean they don't get along.

Quite the opposite, in fact.

It would be rude to say that there wasn't a time where they craved for someone who could be on par with them inside the hell he calls "home" in the playground she calls "city".

For Five, he was sick of having to explain everything before getting down to business. While Abigail was disappointed to have no one to match up against.

To top it off, the amount of solitude they spent for almost their whole life made them have a screw loose inside their head, making it harder for them to mingle with any sort of human.

In short, they needed a companion.

But recently, the two were rarely seen in two different places, looking as if they were stuck together like glue. They've found themselves chatting with one another longer than between anyone inside the academy, accompany the other when it seemed fit, and basically find solace in each other's presence. Who can blame them? They've shared almost all their secrets and pains with one another.

But it became so common to see them together that Five's siblings were throwing in suggestive and teasing looks to him whether Abigail was with him or not.

It was starting to get annoying, to be honest.

"You think it would be best if we take a look at where Jonathan is working?" Abigail suggested, her voice cutting the thin ice of silence.

"That might work. His coworkers may even know who his roommate is," Five stated as he finished writing another set of numbers and letters.

Her eyes caught the chalked wordings on the wall. "Possible base of operations?"

"Based on what we have so far. But I figured it--"

A knock was heard on the opened door.

It was Diego.

"Sorry to interrupt your moment but I have to borrow Abigail for a while," he smirked. "Not that if you mind, Five."

"What's with that look, Number Two?" Five gave his brother a quick glare after getting off his bed.

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