Chapter eight: For The Great

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The curly-haired woman was sitting unconscious on a chair in the living room, her whole body tied to the furniture with specially made steel gloves to prevent her from shifting her nails. There was even a mirror reflecting her bound hands behind her for extra precaution.

The residents of the Hargreeves mansion agreed on having shifts. Everyone had their own set of adrenaline moments and to have on more chore could put them at a disadvantage due to how tired they'll be. Abigail and Five, two of those who weren't present during the home invasion, took the first shift. They were lumped in with Diego and Klaus, which was honestly a lot better than taking the day shift.

But to be honest, that wasn't the initial plan.

The two teens-in-appearance arrived right when Luther and Diego were tying the woman up. Vanya filled them in on the whole fiasco and Abigail being Abigail, felt guilt consume her. She offered to stay and watch with Diego and Klaus even if she was tempted to answer her mattress's calls and sleep like a log. For some reason, Five decided to join in. This came as a shock to his siblings. When asked why, all he said was he wanted to make sure his female companion won't do anything stupid.

Nothing interesting happened for the majority of their night and Klaus was starting to get bored. He was yawning on the sofa he was hogging for himself, after Ben, their dead brother, refused to play patty cake with him for the hundredth time. He even tried to take even a single bottle of alcohol from his dad's stash but failed when a knife ran through the wood dangerously close to his hand.

Klaus groaned, throwing another magazine he found lying in the living room. He looked over to his side and saw Diego busy watching the unconscious woman from his seat. He wanted to mess with his brother but the guy was so deep in his role as a watcher that he ignored him. Klaus huffed and turned the other way

His jaw immediately dropped at the sight before him.

"Oh my," Klaus trailed off.

He threw a pillow at Diego. The vigilante hissed and turned to Klaus, already having enough of his antics.

"What do you want?" He said.

Klaus pointed to a specific spot, a smirk evident in his face. Interested, Diego turned. His lips shifted from a scowl to a smirk of his own.

Across the two brothers on the other sofa, were the two teens in the same shift as them. Five was busy reading a book he took from their father's shelf, casually flipping the pages with his right hand while his left held the spine of the book. He was leaning on the back cushion, his leg crossed over the other.

However, sitting so close beside him was a sleeping Abigail. Her body was leaning to Five's left side with her head on his shoulder and her mouth slightly agape. She would shift from time to time, causing her head to tip over Five's shoulder. The boy was there to put her back in place though.

Five looked up from his book when he noticed his brothers' gaze. "What?"

"I see what you're doing," Diego snickered and Five furrowed his eyebrows, his attention shifting from the book to his brothers.

"Mind your own business," was all he said.

"I didn't know you were this bold, Five," it was Klaus's turn to gush, wiping a nonexistent tear from his eye. "You're so grown up!"

Five glared at them. "Another word and I'll be feeding you with this book."

"And risk waking Abigail?" Klaus countered.

"Then I'll just blame it on you two," he replied. "Besides, she'd believe me more than you."

"Woah, since when did the two of you become so close?" Klaus blinked.

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