2 - DO IT

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(trigger warning, suicide, blood and verbal abuse)

'this' = someone thinking
"this"= someone talking
"THIS" = all might talking
(this) = author-kun notes
*this*= time skip
"this"= someone talking aggressively

*Izuku is 10 years old now*

*Izuku pov*

A lot has happened in the last 6 years,

My quirk finally manifested about three years ago. I've only used it once and passed out from blood loss.

Kacchan has started to call me useless 'deku' and beating me more often. Mums gotten worse as well, I started to dread going home if I was even one millisecond late I would be thrown in the 'BOX'. something Mum made for me when I step out of line to often, well if I did anything wrong.

The biggest change is the VOICE.
The voice came when my quirk manifested, the voice has no name, I think. The voice will tell me to hurt myself or others, especially mum and kacchan.

I think I'm going insane.

*time skip brought to you by dadzawa* (don't get to excited, hes not coming till a later chapter.) :'(

*Izuku is 14 now*

'It's the last day of school' Izuku thought to himself 'I hope nothing goes wrong'

(boi, oh boi. Can't wait to fuck some shit up)


(hehehe Jojo reference)

"You want to go to U.A, right midoriya?"
-birds chirping-
The whole class suddenly burst out laughing.

"Midoriya!? With a quirk like yours you'll never be a hero!" a student with long fingers shouted while the rest of the class erupted with more laughter.

Kacchan shouted as he flipped my table with his quirk. The class went silent.

"After school, this class" Kacchan demanded.

*Time skip brought to you by depresso expresso*

*After school*

I was packing my things at the speed of light when my hero analysis notebook was taken from my hands, I looked up at the perso - no, monster, that took my notes.

"hero analysis for the future no. 13?! Sounds more like stalking to me" I felt a wave of heat and saw smoke coming from my note book. Kacchan threw it out the window with one quick movement.

"Now what to do with you?" He hit me with a couple of explosions, and called one of his lackeys over.

(I'm not gonna explain quirks unless it's an OCs)

"Get the knife" he gave of a wicked smile.

*Time skip*

I woke up to Kacchan leaving the room, he turned around and looked me in the eyes,

"Take a swan dive off the roof, and hope you get a better quirk in your next life"

leaving me with my thoughts, only to black out again.

'Guess I fainted' I thought. My uniform was shredded with blood stains everywhere. I tried to crawl myself up to a standing position, failing miserably. Did I mention the 40 cuts around my stomach and shoulders? I cursed myself for getting this bet up, knowing that the worst will come later. Getting up and trying to not think about the pain coursing in my body.

Walking out the building to where I think Kacchan threw my notebook. Giving up on trying to find it, I let out a yawn from not getting any sleep all week.

"I should head back" I said to myself.

*Time skip!*

I was walking under a underpass with my head down, when I heard a loud clanking sound behind me. I snapping my head towards the sound.

"A medium meat suit just for me" A greenish, brownish liquid was staring straight at me, laughing as it bolted towards me and latched on to my arm.

"GET OF!!" I shouted as I felt a warm liquid crawl up my arm and into my mouth.

"get of..." I said weakly as I blacked out

I woke up in a black void with a ghostly figure looking at me.




"Take a swan dive off the roof and hope you get a better quirk in your next life"

The ghostly figure approached me as I broke down crying.

"your not useless" the ghostly began to talk "so make them see that, make them pay"

Another ghostly figure came out of nowhere.

"Your useless you can't do anything" it said "just take his advice and do it"



I woke up to someone slapping my face


*time skip bought to you by a lazy author :P*

(YALL know what happens, Izuku still asks the quirkless question because he wasn't comfortable telling his idol his quirk is a villains quirk)

How did I get here, right it started with this useless quirk. Here's an explanation, I'm standing on the edge of a building at night and I'm going to take his advice. No one would care if a kid with a villainous quirk like me died.

Taking my finale breaths I jumped.

And never hit the ground.

( Hey y'all thanks for reading this if you are, I still have no idea what I'm doing with this story (or my life :p) so if you have any ideas just comment :) )

~Author-kun <3

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