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(heyo! This is a drawing I did^)

*Izuku pov*
I watched as the battle between 'me' and Kacchan go on, it felt like hours before I finally got control over my body. 'It seems I got pulled back to my body by the bell signalling the exercise ending' "VILLAINS WIN!" All Thot shouted into the earpiece. I just looked around at the damage I inflicted, a wall torn down halfway so you could see outside, blood, lots of blood I wondered how much of that blood was mine, last of all I saw Kacchans unconscious body a couple of meters away. 'Haha, fucken bitch' was my last thoughts before I passed out.



*Izuku pov*
I woke up, blinding white light filling my eyes, 'am I in heaven, wait that's impossible... I've killed too many people' I had to blink a couple of times to finally figure out where I was, "lost a bit to much blood their sonny" a short old lady said to me "you also got some nasty burns on your right arm, I've healed them but they are going to leave some scars. You can go home now."

"Five more minutes..." I let out a grunt of pain as the old lady hit me on the head, "GO HOME BEFORE I HIT YOU AGAIN." She shouted at me before I jumped out of the bed and ran out of the nurse's office and sprinted to the lockers to grab my bag. "AH! WHAT THE FUCK" I looked down at the grey scarf holding me back. "No running in the halls," a very tried Aizawa said behind me "now where are you going?" He said taking a large sip of coffee "locker, strip club, home" I replied smirking "*sigh* if you don't take the hero course seriously I will expel you"

"I am taking this seriously Eraser-Kun!" I explained, fake pouting. "*siiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh*" Aizawa pinched the bridge of his nose "fine problem child, you, do you. All might wants to see you tomorrow after school, Now get home safe." He instantly regretted what he said, my wicked smile grew ear to ear as I pulled my phone out of nowhere and paused the recorder "Oh you did not..." and the two eavesdroppers, which happened to be Present mic and Midnight jumped out of the corner behind Aizawa and shouted "HA! I KNEW IT, YOU DO HAVE A SOFT SPOT FOR THAT KID!" They ran off with Aizawa chasing them "COME BACK HERE HIZASHI YAMADA!" (sorry if I spelt that wrong) "SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" Hizashi's quirk may be a little too loud.

I FINALLY made it out of U.A and met up with Toga wearing street clothes and her hair down (just wanted to put that in because toga wearing a possibly bloody school uniform outside of the gates of U.A would probably look pretty sketchy) "That took a while..." She said before she jumped into my arms and nuzzled into my chest "I MISSED YOU IZU!!"

"I MISSED YOU TOO!!" I screamed back at her, we stayed like that for 5 minutes, before I said "I think we should get back or Handjob will kill us and I got something to tell the squad"

"Ten more minutes" Toga replied with. "Fine, I'll just carry you then" I smiled mischievously and drank some of the blood mixture from before, I activated my quirk and jumped into the air landing on a roof and sprinted across more rooftops before finally landing next to the bar on street level "Ah, home sweet home," I said ignoring the heavy breathing from Toga as I put her down on the ground, she just stumbled around and landed on one of the couches. "What the hell did you do to her?" Dadi asked, "honestly I don't know myself." I replied "BUT, we have more important things to talk about... Call sensei."

*time skip after Izuku tells the squad about everything from the voice taking control of his body to Hoe Might requesting a meeting with him*

*Izuku pov*
After explaining everything to the gang AFO requested me privately at the lab. When I got to the lab I saw him watching his doctor tend to the prototype Nomu. (*hugs Nomu body pillow tighter* "hey look, babe, it's you!") "you requested me, sensei?" I said bowing deeply "stand up properly Izuku, now as you know we're planning an attack but we don't know when. Do you have any new information that can help us out?" I searched my mind for any information when I remembered the piece of paper on Recovery Girls desk which the author couldn't be bothered to add in earlier. (Gonna need some flex tape for that, OI SERO! GET YO ASS OVER HERE!) "Yes actually there's a training program, not that far from the school, but it's our best chance to ambush," I said. "Good, now onto the second subject, whatever All Might wants to ask you, agree to it."

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