6 - Introductions and school

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(I had no idea what to call this chapter :/
Sorry for not updating, been playing a lot of assassin's creed and binge-watching demon slayer. :P)


*Izuku pov*

Everyone went silent when Uraraka, Shinso and I walked in, many people glared at me. "What?" Most people looked away except Bakugo, Raccoon eyes, Pika, Tape boi and Robotic sonic.

I was going to say something when Aizawa burst through the door. "Ok we're going to do introductions," he said, you could hear the tiredness in his voice "You kids decide who goes first, after introductions you've got free time for the rest of the period" in record-breaking speed, he got into his yellow sleeping bag and fell to the floor.

Bakugo was the first to go up to the podium.

"Hey, the names bakugo if you come up with any nicknames I will kill-" I decided to block out everyone's introductions only catching glares aimed at me from the previous five I mentioned.

I got out of my seat and walked to the podium as sparkles, (the second to last person to introduce themselves, not including me of course, the only other person who hadn't introduced himself was shinso) went back to his seat.

"So as you guys know, there was blood in my flask" Bakugo let out a scoff of disgust "and I have a good reason for it, my quirk: blood hands, let's me turn blood into threads and or a wrist-mounted sword and shield. My body produces blood faster than other people so I have to use my quirk to release blood from my body. If I overuse my quirk I will suffer from blood loss and will die if not given any blood in the next hour, that's where the flask of blood comes in, whenever I consume blood my physical capabilities increases. And don't worry I haven't killed anyone, the blood is from a friend who gave it to me." I finished my long speech with an extra-long sigh, "And just call me Izuku" I think I might have worry Aizawa about my life at home if I'm not using my family name, I could see him look at me with worry from his spot on the ground.

I turned to look at my class to see them all glaring at me (except shinso) mainly Iida and Bakugo, even Uraraka had a look of disgust. I walked back to my seat next to Uraraka, she stood up and walked to the other side of the room and sat in the seat behind Iida who was, surprise, still glaring at me.

Shinso walked up to the podium to introduce himself, giving me a look of worry as he passed me.

"Hi, my names Shinso Hitoshi, just call me Shinso. My quirks brainwashing, I can control anyone who answers my questions" he returned to his seat ignoring the glares his classmates were giving him.

Seeing as everyone was done with the introductions they started to talk amongst themselves. I could hear Shinso's and I's name fly around in most peoples conversations. I walked over to Shinso and we talked about random things until the bell rang.

"Hey, Izuku wanna eat lunch together?" Shinso asked me when the bell rang. "Yeah sure." I replied with a smile, 'Maybe I can have a friend while I'm undercover here.'

*TIME SKIP!!!!!!*

*Izuku pov * after school*

I waved to Shinso as we parted ways when I rounded the corner I bumped into three figures, I look up from where I fell and saw Bakugo, Iida and Uraraka.

"How did you get into U.A nerd!" Bakugo shouted cornering me in the alley that was next to us. Of course, I didn't mind them doing this to me mainly because we were right next to the league's bar, yes they followed me all the way out here, I don't know why Shinso lives around here.

Bakugo put his hand on my shoulder and I felt it heat up, he pulled back his other hand and was about to punch me when Handjob came out of a side door carrying some rubbish bags. 'Thank God he isn't wearing his hand' I thought to myself as Bakugo loosened his grip on me.

"Hey Deku, why are they here?" Handjob said slapping Bakugos hand off my shoulder. I heard a crashing sound from the bar as Toga ran out. "WHERE'S IZU!?" Her eyes scanned the small crowd in front of her, her gaze stopped on me she ran up to me jumping into my arms "IZU! I MISSED YOU" She shouted biting into my shoulder and sucking out blood. 'She must be low on blood' I thought to my self. Bakugo and the bully squad were just staring at me like I was some sort of villain. (haha, little did they know)

"Whatcha looking at? It's rude to stare" I said. Iida was about to retaliate when the alley door opened again this time Mamagiri came out. "Hey what's all this ruckus about" 'this is why we call him Mamagiri' I thought. "Oh, Izuku you brought friends!" 'Oh, no' I was all ready to late to stop him from inviting them in.

I swear I saw the three of them smirk as they walked in.

'Mamagiri, what have you done?'

Sorry, not sorry for the shorter chapter and the cliff hanger.

Just moved and thinking of getting some bnha figurines and posters to bling up my room.

Thanks for reading! Next chapter will most likely be out around next week or the next one :p

~~Author-Kun <3

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