21 🐳

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Namjoon's POV:

"So, what type of haircut are you planning on getting?" I handed the barber a magazine of various hairstyles and haircuts, selecting a simple yet modern one. He said that I had picked a "great style", but I was still skeptical about going too short.

I know that Jin's probably going to throw a minor fit and possibly murder me after he sees I cut my hair. He's been wanting me to grow it out because he insists it makes me look good. But I'm sure my understanding Jinnie will end up liking it as well.

Unless this barber messes my hair up... Then I'll allow him to beat me up, as I throw the tantrum.

Oops, I just made my own self laugh at that thought. Haha!

"Oh? Namjoon? Hi!" I turned around to the voice that was calling out to me with such familiarity. My eyes lit up, greeting my friend, who had also walked in for a haircut.

"What's brought you here? I thought you were going to let your hair grow out, buddy." I nodded, as he playfully placed his hand on my head, ruffling my hair.

"I was, but then... Well it gets harder to maintain this way. I just want a simple hairstyle, nice and trimmed down, you know?" My friend nods, sitting down beside me.

"What type of haircut are you looking for today?"

"Just the tips. I want my bangs out of my face, because they can be a great big hassle when I'm trying to look down." While Yoongi's conversation with the barber distracted me for a split second, what brought me back to reality was a realization I had when I didn't find my phone in my back pocket.

I could have sworn I placed it there before leaving home.

"Why am I like this?" I began to question myself, rolling my eyes.

"I highly doubt that he'll call me any time soon, so it'll be fine. I'm sure I'll be out of here in no time anyways." My day went on, casually. I'm actually happy to have left my phone behind. That way I won't be distracted like I always am.

Still... I can't help but think about Jin. I know that he's doing okay, and that he might even be waiting for me by now. So, at least he'll have Moonie by his side while I return. Eh, no biggie.

I'll be out sooner than later.

・*:.。..。.:*°゚Third Person's POV ゚°*:.。..。.:*・

"Moonie, I'm heading out now! I know that I should wait for daddy, but he's busy now, so I'm going to go with him to the barber shop. Let's see... Namjoon did specify the name of that barber shop. Which one was it?" Jin looked through his phone, and found the name of the hair salon Namjoon had gone to, and was now approaching the door to head out.

Before leaving, however, he gave Moonie one last cuddle, and left. He loves Moonie with all his heart.

"I remember how much Namjoon begged me to keep you. And now look at us! I ended up growing more attached to you than him! Aww, you're so adorable. Bye bye, Moonie!" The last sound that echoed throughout the inside of the apartment after Jin closed the door,
was Moonie who had barked at him, as a way of saying goodbye.

Afterwards, the boy made his way towards his car, but remembered one thing... He couldn't USE his car, because of the incident that occurred yesterday, and was forced to head back to the house.

"Thank God I remembered on time. Jeez! What was I even thinking?" He questioned himself, turning the doorknob to open the door, but his hand couldn't get a firm grip on the handle, since it was held back.

Jin jumped, and instantly turned around, showing fear to the person, wishing he had never turned his back in the first place. He gulped, staring at a tall, rather fit, roughed up man who had bruises on his arms.

He was wearing a large, long trench coat, similar to the one that the other, mysterious looking man had worn when he first encountered Jin at the daycare center.

It was only then that Jin noticed that the man standing in front of him, was the same man he had met at the daycare, and the same, crazy man who had chased him in his car. Jin tried to scream, but his voice remained absent from his mouth, as the man placed his big
hand over his face from his nose, down to his chin, covering it up completely.

Jin couldn't scream, he could only whine, hoping that Moonie would hear him as he struggled to break free from the man's grip, unable to identify who he was, because of the face mask he was wearing, showing only part of his forehead.

"Mmff!! Mffm!!" Jin's muffled screams weren't enough, so he kicked the man in his stomach and pried him off, only to be tackled by him, right before he could scream for help. His legs gave out from underneath him, as he was still weakened from last night.

Now that he needed the strength, he didn't have it.

"It's been about three? Five? Maybe nine years since we last saw each other." Once he heard the man's official voice, Jin started to cry out even more, feeling tears starting to prick out from the corner of his eyes.

"Get in the car. Get in!" The boy started to squirm from side to side as the middle-aged male violently shoved his body inside of the car, locking him up with him.

Jin tried unlocking the door, but the other grabbed ahold of his arms immediately after locking him in the car, and tied him up.

"No!! P-p-please!! P-PLEASE!! LEAVE ME ALONE!! H- How did you even get o-out of jail!!" He screamed, kicking the man's seat, violently, earning an immediate whack to the face by him, as he retreated his hand back and left a large red mark across Jin's cheek, as hot tears streamed down the boy's face.

"You didn't think your dear Appa would last so long in there, did you? They set me free years ago. I was just waiting for the right moment to find you. You owe me a lot.

I lost almost ten years, TEN fucking years in that cell, rotting and being treated like shit, each and every day, because of you." Jin's adrenaline rush suddenly caused him to go off on the old man.

"SERVES YOU RIGHT FOR ABUSING ME EVERY DAY, YOU ASSHOLE!!" After having said that, he started to cry harder when the man jumped to the back of the car, climbing on top of him, restraining his arms and legs, with violent force until they became purple.

"My baby boy wants to be a smartass with his father now? Oh, that's no good, son. I raised you better than this, didn't I?" He squeezed Jin's legs with his own, clamping them so that he was unable to move, suffering the pain.

"You... Don't know me. I'm not that- That little boy anymore.. Junho. You know nothing about me!"

"I know everything about you:

You work from 7:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. every day, at a "grand" daycare. I know the route to your job.

You arrive here after you come out of work, and the first thing that you do is feed that damned dog of yours called Moonie.

Whenever you unlock your car, the combination was always 0272.

And on top of it all, my son is a homosexual, who lives with an older man in a very luxurious apartment." Jin's body froze, and he stopped breathing for a moment, after Junho mentioned so much personal information about him as well as Namjoon and Moonie.

"Wh-w-what are you g- going to do to me..." He hesitantly asked, turning his head to face his abuser.

"Nothing. Not now, at least. But if you tell your dear lover about this, or anyone at all, then I won't show mercy to any of you. You might have others in your life now, baby boy. But I do too. And you wouldn't want to mess with any of us. So, keep your mouth SHUT."

He opened the door and threw Jin out of the car, ripping the ropes off of him, and taking off, after smacking him on the face again, as if he were a punching bag.

"Junho is back... He's going to kill me. He's going to kill Moonie.. H- He's going to kill Namjoon. I CAN'T let him kill them. I rather get killed over them. What am I supposed to do now? What..."


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