37 🐳

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The boy walked around what would appear to be a playroom for kids, but he seemed to recognize every toy that was messily scattered around the floor. When he reached down to grab one of the plush toys, he ended up getting blinded by a bright light until his vision became nothing but a blur of white.


There, he saw himself as a young boy, who was sat on the ground, wearing a long, fluffy sweater that made his tiny hands disappear, and a pair of baggy pants, which were covering his bandaged legs, which had recently been operated on.

"Awww, it's okay, baby Jinnie. Walk towards Mommy, come on. Towards Eomma! That's it. You're almost there." The short, shy toddler walked towards his mother, squealing in response to her cuddles as she held onto her baby, snuggling him and making adorable noises that made the little boy feel giddy.

"Ma! E...Eom..ma!" His mother gasped, giving her son a big, bright smile of satisfaction and happiness, as tears of joy nearly streamed down her face when her eyes welled up, listening to the words she never thought her son would get to say, since he hadn't said a
peep since his father silenced his voice with the amount of fear he felt towards him.

But now that he had just spoken his very first words, he couldn't stop speaking, and babbling little nothings that were meaningful to his proud mommy, who was now gently carrying the boy in her lap, tickling him to make him smile and giggle.

"J... Junho, Jin said his first word! And it was "Eomma"! He spoke to me! H-he said mom!! He's so adorable!!" She cradled Jin, being extra careful not to cause the baby any discomfort as she placed him on her lap.

His dad didn't seem as amused or proud about him as his mom did, however. That man remained stone-faced, targeting his eyes upon the little boy who was now sucking on his little fingers, asking his mommy for food.

"So what? Kid's gotta learn how to speak eventually, he won't act dumb for long. How is he doing with the English lessons we bought him? Is he watching the videos?" His reply made his wife act bittersweet, rolling her eyes at the man.

"No, he hasn't." Junho lifted his hands up, then smacked them against the sides of his rough jeans, growing annoyed.

"Why not? Haven't you been showing him the videos like I tell you to, every day while I'm at work?"

"Junho... I don't think it's necessary for him to learn English as much as Korean. He should focus on learning our Alphabet, not the American Alphabet. How else will he make friends if
he doesn't speak our same language?" Jinnie stared at his parents, playing with a soft toy plush he found beside him.

As their conversation went on, his mom started to grow agitated by her husband.

"Friends? Oh don't worry, he'll make lots of friends in America. But he needs to learn English to speak to them, so that's why I'm trying to teach him!"

"America? Since when does MY son live in America? Last time I checked, he was made in Korea, born in Korea, and will stay IN Korea-" The woman held onto her cheek, feeling it start to sizzle from the surprise slap her husband mercilessly gave her, causing her to nearly tumble back and fall.

"You, go to the kitchen and fix me something to eat. You look prettier when you're cooking, than when you're speaking nonsense. My son and I are going to learn English. Right, Seokie Seokie?" Jin flinched, feeling his father slowly pick him up as his hips hung loose in the air until he was sat on the couch.

"Start singing!" His father clapped his hands, turning on a catchy tune called "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" on the TV, showing Jinnie a cute, colorful animation on the screen which caught the boy's attention.

Halfway in, and he hadn't learned a thing. His mind was still in blank, so Junho replayed
the song, grabbing ahold of the toddler's hands to clap them.

Jin stared back at him, realizing that the evil man might not be so bad after all, seeing how big his smile was.

But that smile lied to the poor baby. As soon as Junho noticed that Jin wasn't following up with the song, or even doing the least he could, the adult male squeezed his cheeks tightly
and made the boy cry, holding onto his pained, sensitive jaw with his tiny hands.

"Don't make the baby cry, Junho!! Be patient!"

"He's just lazy. Come on, Twinkle... Is that it? Do you want Appa Junho to call you that until you get the song right? Huh?" Jin softly shook his head, feeling his chubby cheeks jiggle from side to side as his eyes sparkled with sadness and fear, looking at his father with a slight frown.

"Well, that's what I'll call you from now on until you learn how to sing the song right. So learn it!" Jin didn't understand what his father was even saying. All that he could see was the anger in his eyes, and that made the toddler feel unsafe as he stared at the big TV screen in front of him, which started to play loud music.

The baby ended up crying loudly, feeling intimidated by the loud noise, and Jin's mom started to complain about the volume to her husband.


"If this spoiled rascal doesn't learn how to say ONE single word in English, then I won't allow him to move from here until he gets them all right. Do you understand!?" Jinnie felt his heart rate start to increase as he nodded at the abusive adult.


"A-Appa, p-p-please, s-stop!! It hurts!" Over the years, Jin blossomed into a sweet, well brought up young boy, despite being raised by his grandmother and father, who were very abusive towards him.

His grandmother might not have been abroad the domestic violence as much as his father, who was the real abuser. But she wouldn't treat Jin with much kindness.

"I told him to tryout for the soccer team, but what does he do? He signs up for a girly school play! What the hell, Seokjin!"

"Drama is i-inspiring, Appa... I- I want to sing.. I-"

"To be a disappointment? Don't worry, you already are one." Jin fell to the floor with one swift kick to the stomach, feeling his organs rearrange from the inside, as an unbearable pain ignited from his lower abdomen.

"Sing? You wanna sing? Yeah?" The older, merciless man pulled the poor boy's hair, screaming lyrics into his ear, as he shivered uncontrollably in his arms.

"You're a disgrace! I'M ASHAMED TO CALL YOU MY SON!"

"You're not a real father!! Y-you're just a sc-scumbag!! That's why mom l-left with another man!!"



"You shouldn't have said that, kid..."


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