Chapter 1: The End?

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John's POV

"What's the point?"

I'm all alone. There was no one left I could turn to. I'm stuck in this fucking wasteland...

Sera....No I can't call her that anymore.

She's gone.

Seraphina, the one who I thought was unique, the one I thought that was different from everyone else, was no different from all the other garbage in this world.

That very person, called me......a MONSTER!
ME? I'm not the only fucked up person in this world! Everyone is no different from me!! You're all MONSTERS!!!

My best friend...... she was gone. The whole school has turned on me. Isn't there anything worthy here? Isn't there anything that can go my way for once?

These thoughts continued to haunt me while I was in my apartment, lying on my bed with the curtains closed.

I tried earlier to get some rest and tried ro forget about my shitty situation but I just couldn't. Beating the shit out of those pricks is the only way they will ever accept change but I'm tired of all this crap. What's the point of fighting if the result is always the same?

I was still dressed in my uniform, too lazy to take them off. Even though it was a bit warm, I still kept the blanket on. I just wanted to be away from here. I wanted to be away from this fucking living nightmare! Having been forced back into a shitty system and being stabbed in the back was unforgivable. It was the last straw for me.

"I'm done!"

Those words were blurted from my mouth as I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth. I could barely contain myself as I was basically shaking, in disgust from everything.

I'm fucking done with this nonsense! This bullshit...

It has been a few days since it was revealed by the school paper that I was Joker. This had led some to fear me and has also led some assholes to provoke me. After having way too many interactions with both, I stayed locked up in my apartment. I did not want to see anyone. I don't want to hear any more filthy lies coming from anyone's mouth. I don't wanna hear it!

The worst part is that I can still hear that same word over and over...


"I am not the monster here, they are."

This is what I have told myself in the past. I was trying to avoid the hierarchy, the king, the royals, anyone who took part of it. That asswipe just had to stick his nose into my business. He just couldn't have me not being in my oh-so-called "righteous" place in his shitty kingdom.

This is all his fault! It's all their fucking fault, damn it!!

If they just weren't scum, if they actually cared and didn't abuse their power! If only they weren't complete trash!

If only they were trash like me.

I have lost track of time completely. The only thing that told me it has been a few days aside from the changing light from the window has been the stench that came from my clothes.

I took a whiff.

Ugh! Man I smell like shit.

Perhaps it's time to get up. Perhaps it's time for me to move somewhere else.

I changed into a black sleeveless shirt, brown jacket, and black shorts. I didn't feel much like improving the other issues such as my smell, no matter how terrible it smelled. I just wanted to get some fresh air at least. Maybe a bite to eat.

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