Chapter 5: Friends?

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7:40 AM
John Apartment

"You be good, alright? I don't want to come back and see a mess."

"Yes John, I promise."

"Good. I will see you after my classes are done. I promise that once I get back, I will buy some things for you."

"Okay. Bye John!"

"Bye Eir."

John had to go. I was a bit sad hearing that but he did say we are going to go shopping later. I can't wait!

5 minutes later...

I can't wait. I really can't. I wandered around the apartment. There wasn't much fun things around. There wasn't much around. I only found a few items that John left. He left a shirt out. I want to try it on. It's so big! What's this rectangular thing? Uhm, Oh! It opened. How does it work? Oh there's a button here. Password! What's that? Oh password, it's down here. Okay here it is. Do I have to press it? Maybe....

12:16 PM
John POV
Wellston High


"What do you want?"

I found Blyke. I wanted to make sure that he didn't discuss anything with the Headmaster.

"Has the Headmaster talked to you?"

"Of course not! Why do I need to go see him?"

"Good. Later."

"Hey wait a minute! Explain yourself! What did you mean?"

I'm glad that the Headmaster didn't talk with Blyke. I was worried that Blyke would spill the beans about how he does not live in our apartment anymore. I was tired from the lack of the sleep I had but I felt shockingly good. I can't wait for class to be over.

"Hey John!"

Who could that be?

"Hey buddy. Word around here is that you're Joker. I find that ridiculous."

It was Tanner. Behind him was Wenqi, Illena, and Rouker. This isn't the first time we have been together. Sheesh. This is not what I needed.

"It doesn't add up. Isen must be lying."

"That's right! There's no way a cripple like you could be Joker!"

"It sure sucks to be you. Being tossed around all the time."

Not this again. This wasn't the first time someone has tried to test me. As much as I would to like to smash their faces in, it wouldn't make a difference. If I beat them up, they would know I'm Joker, that I'm King. There would be a good chance that they would leave me alone but at the same time these guys might suck up to me. It doesn't do nothing to improve my situation. It'll just be more of an annoyance. If I let them beat me, then they would continue to believe I am a cripple and then more of them would try to get at me. It's a lose-lose situation. I was completely surrounded. I have no choice. I am tired of being looked down by these bitches. Strength doesn't always mean you're right.

"Get him!"

When Tanner gave out the order they all activated their abilities. They were getting closer, continuing to crowd me. I got in position, ready to defend myself.

"Get back here! I'm not done with you!"

It was Blyke. He entered on the scene. He looked furious. Looks like Blyke was still looking for an answer to why I came up to him earlier.

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