Chapter 17: Reality?

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Sera POV
Seraphina's Apartment

What happened to you John?

"They only have themselves to blame for this!" Everyone got EXACTLY what they deserved!"

I looked up to you. I USED to look up to you. Before I had admired your bravery and strength.

"Before coming here, I already decided that I'm gonna do whatever I can to live the way I want."

"If you really want to fight me, I'll be happy to oblige."

Despite what life had dealt you, you didn't care. You went on with daily life without an ability.

In this world, strength means everything. I thought that you were different. You told me what you thought of UnOrdinary.

"The stronger person isn't always right you know! To have to use force to back your's pathetic."

" I really admired the hero of Unordinary. He was the most powerful yet he still listened to others and through that he realized everyone has something to offer."

You were always optimistic and despite being hurt, you kept doing what you wanted, free of care. You even encouraged me when I lost my ability.

"I'm powerless too remember? We'll just be powerless together!"

"It's gonna be okay. We'll get through this!"

I thought I had someone I relate to. One that I could trust when I had lost everything. We were so close.

We would hang out, play games, go the mall, just be us.

We were friends.....

"Sera you're just a cripple. What could you possibly help with me anyway."

What now? Was I just being used? Did he only get close to me just for my ability?

I don't know anymore.......

I don't know what to think anymore with you!

I opened my eyes. The only thing I saw was dark, deep, depressing, empty abyss. I was alone....

"Hey Sera want to go get a drink?"


I recognized that voice. Why does it have to be him?

"Let's celebrate at Woaba Boba! I know how much you like the mango!"

John kept coming closer by the second. His face and body was completely black. He had white eyes and a crooked white smile.

"What's wrong? Don't like boba? Come on let's go!"

He took a hold of my hand. I tried to resist but I couldn't release my grip.

"Let go! Get away from me!"

The creepy figure then changed face.

"What's wrong? You already know I'm powerless. I wouldn't do anything to hurt you."

He took a look into my eyes.

"So that's it huh? That's how you see me? As a monster? As a FREAK!"

John released his hold. He held his head with one hand and covered his face with the other.


This version of John let out a high pitched scream. Something else was also changing about him.

His appearance changed. He was now wearing a grostesque, bloody black mask. He was also now wearing his Wellston uniform. The only thing missing was the jacket.

I started to run.

While running, the scenery started to change. I was seeing RED.

Blood was pouring down around me. Along with it came a stack of bodies.


They were all Wellston students. I saw Remi, Blyke, Isen, and Elaine all laying down in their own blood.



It was Evie and Roland. They were within John's reach. They already had bad injuries. They could hardly stand. They were holding each other up, bracing for what came next.

"It's your fault this happened! You wasted everything...."

Next to me was Arlo. He was crawling up to me with one arm. His eyes were gouged out. I saw nothing but blood red from them. He was also leaving s bloody trail and... half his body was missing.

"Shut the fuck up Arlo!"

John came out of nowhere and killed Arlo....He killed him right in front of me.

"Don't look at me SERA! DON'T LOOK AT ME!!!"

He was coming for me.

"Come here and join the rest that you failed to protect. What's wrong? Can't fight back? Not even a little?"

He was mocking me. He was right..I need to fight back!

I went up to try to punch him but he stopped me cold. John then grabbed me by the hair and started throwing me around.

Tears were starting to form. I was too powerless. I'm nothing but a rag doll, a toy for him.




It was just a dream. A living nightmare. I was sweaty and out of breath. I need to get out of bed....

I took deep breaths and got out of bed. I went out the bathroom to check on myself. There was no injuries luckily. Just a look of my eyes. I also looked a mess.

"I need some water....that could help."

I went to the kitchen and to go get a glass of water. On my way, I noticed something.

Elaine's door was left wide open. I should close it for her.

When I went to close it, I was surprised. I didn't see Elaine sleeping in her bed. Usually she would be sound asleep by now. Where could she be at this hour?

Well there's nothing I could do about it now. Right now I'm powerless. I'm too weak.


I'm tired of feeling sorry for myself. The best thing I could do is to simply get stronger and move on. It may hurt now but I need to overcome it! I need to be like my old self who would always beat whatever obstacle I faced.

I need to get stronger.

Just you wait John. I will overcome this. We will face off and fight! I will find a way to beat you, to make you come to your senses.

Mark my words.

Chapter 17: End
Thanks for reading guys!

I just wanted to say to everyone thank you! Thank you for reading this story! It really means a lot to me! I didn't think I would get to 1k views! Before I didn't think that was possible.

I also wanted to say that I will sadly not post anything till about next week. This week I am pretty busy. There's a lot of things that I have to do with family such as moving furniture but it'll be alright. I already have some ideas for later chapters. It just sucks that this will be a bit of a hiatus. I hope everyone is okay and staying well. Stay safe you guys! I'll see you soon!

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