Chapter 9: Relief?

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This chapter contains spoilers for the latest fastpass episode of UnOrdinary 186!
I had tried to think of something else but nothing better I could think of...
Sorry. 😑 Read at your own risk!

I hope you guys can enjoy though!
I also want to thank everyone for reading this! It may not sound like much but this story has been 100 times in total! That's pretty cool if you ask me! Again, thanks for reading!

9:12 AM
Blyke POV
Wellston High
1st Day of John's Suspension

There was a lot of work for us do. Even though John has been suspended, there are still some fake Jokers running around. Not everyone believes that John is the real Joker and that was our first aim. Recently, Remi and I asked Isen to help spread the truth about John's past using the data he dug up on him. Isen had worked on and made the newspapers. Remi and I had the job of handing them out for everyone to see. It would be best to also get rid if any doubt that anyone has about this.

"John? Joker?! No fricking way!"

"T-that's impossible! The school cripple?!"

"This is bullshit! Isen must love finally lost it!"

"It's true! There is proof here that John is not a cripple."

"Could be fake. Who knows?"

It went about as well as expected. They still would not believe that the person they thought was the weakest could be stronger than all of them. I was feeling a bit frustrated by this situation, then Remi spoke up.

"Everyone! Listen to me! I know this sounds crazy but you have to believe us! What you have in your hands is records if John at his previous highschool. He is not a cripple. He was a King! John has been hiding his power from all of you!"

Remi tried telling them but it was useless. They were all in mass confusion. We needed something else to ensure them. No not.something else. Someone. Ah, that's right! Arlo! I need to find him.

"Hey, can you take care of this? I need to go somewhere."

After saying that, I ran off. I need to find Arlo. I believe I know where he is. I ran up to the roof and sure enough, there he was.

"Arlo! There you are."

"Blyke? What is it?"

"I need to come with me. You need to tell the students the truth about John."

"Tell them the truth? Why? Weren't you guys supposed to tell them?"

"We did but they wouldn't believe us. We even tried giving them proof but they are still not buying it."

"Hmph. I guess I should go. We need to end this charade."

While talking to Arlo, I noticed something was off. He kept avoiding eye contact and looked lost in thought. Is something worrying him?

"Is there something wrong?"

Arlo responded to me with a mean glare.

"No. We should get going."

I shivered before him. Looks like I made him mad. Still shaking, I led Arlo to where Remi was. She was doing her best to control the masses. Arlo stepped right in front of me.

"Everyone listen up! What you see before you is the King! John has been dethroned by yours truly! Joker has been defeated! He has been suspended for his actions."

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