Chapter 19: Lies?

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John POV

Are we fucking there yet? I have been following this bitch forever in this long ass tunnel. What could be so important for me to see? I already should've beaten her ass.

"Sorry about the wait. Earlier I have gotten lost. Don't worry, it won't be much longer."


Really? She doesn't even know her way in this place? Her own hideout? Fuck my life.

We continued to walk in the same direction until she came to a sudden stop.

"We're here."

What stood in front was a corroded metal door. Disgusting. Just the sight of the rust made me sick.

Once the door opened, she stood at the side and glared at me to come in.

Don't look down on me you bitch.

I'm only doing this because I was curious.

What did she mean that I was connected to this place? To Ember?

I couldn't think of any reason why this hag would say utter bullshit.

I knew it was bullshit but I just had a feeling, a guy feeling that was telling to go check it out. I felt uneasy at the mere thought. Let's just see what her so-called explanation.

After that, she's fucking dead.

I looked around and saw that this door appeared tiny around what seemed an endless, gigantic tunnel. In both directions, I could see nothing but pitch black darkness.

I went inside.

What an ugly room.

The room looked like it hasn't been occupied for a while. There was dusty red chair that had visible scratches and damages to the back and seat. There was also a chipped, brown wooden two shelved drawer with a small lamp that had few parts missing. An old, huge mirror was laying on the side of the dusty wall. Near it was a yellow, smelly trashcan. Above it was marks on the wall.

...So this is it? What the hell does this have to do with me? All I see is useless piles of shit.

The woman entered the room and headed towards the dresser. She opened it and pulled out what looked like a white piece.

I couldn't tell what it was. This room was dimly lit. It doesn't help that the only light source came from a flickering light bulb above.

This asshole came towards me and put her hand out to me with the white piece.

"Take it."

I took it and examined the white thing.

It looks like a scrap of paper. I turned it over.



It was a piece of paper that had m-my name!

It said MY NAME?!



What she gave me next shook me.


M-my face?! ME?

I-It was a picture of me when I was little. I snatched the picture and looked over everything in my hands.

It had my name.

It had my age at the time with this photo.

It had my birth weight, and blood type.

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