Chapter 18

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Mitch Rapp was still on the ground. "I'm getting to old for this shit." he moaned. He got up and had his gun pointed at Barry.
The Flash was hovering over the crimpled Eddie Thawne that was crawling to his gun that was tossed across the road. "All this time, you've been trying to catch me, and I caught you first." The Flash sounding satisfied with what he was doing. "Guess you haven't read your girlfriend's blog." The Flash joked.
"Eddie, no!" Iris yelled as Eddie grabbed his gun, pointed it at The Flash and pulled the trigger. The Flash disappeared as the bullet was shot up in the air.

Back at S.T.A.R. Labs, John Diggle was standing with everyone in the Cortex and had his big muscular arms crossed over his chest. Cisco excitedly came to Diggle, "Ooh, see I know The Arrow was Oliver Queen." Cisco's smile was from ear to ear. "I mean, I had it narrowed down to, like, a list of 150 people, but he was definitely on that list." Cisco that crossed his arms and looked a John.
John uncrossed his arms and joined the group. "Do you have a way to stop Barry's rage-fest?" John asked.
"I have an idea about how to do that." Dr. Wells answered. "Joe, we're gonna need your help."
"We need to find him first before he hurts somebody." Joe mentioned. "Mitch has been following him, maybe I can call..."
"I have him." Felicity interrupted from a computer. "Facial recognition picked him up on a traffic camera downtown." The computer showed The Flash standing over Eddie who was crawling to get his gun and Mitch with his gun pointing at Barry's head. "Oh, God."

At downtown Central City, The Flash ran and threw Eddie across the pavement again. "Eddie!" Iris yelled.
"Who the hell are you, huh?" The Flash yelled angrily. "You think you can just come along and get to have whatever you want? What gives you the right?"
Eddie coughed. "What are you talking about?" Eddie croaked crawling, trying to get away.
"What are you doing? What has happened to you?" Iris asked worried for Eddie getting killed.
"I feel fine." Barry lied as he was slowly closing in on Eddie.
"Flash get away before you do something you will regret!" Mitch yelled with gun still at ready.
"How would you know? Because you read about me in something she wrote about me?" Barry said sounding liek what Mitch said was stupid. "YOU DON'T KNOW ME!" Barry yelled as he yelled his eye glowed a bright red. "You don't know who I am. You never did."
"I know that you have risked your life to help people, to save them!" Iris yelled. "Someone who does that does not suddenly turn around and want to hurt people. Please." Iris pleaded.
Barry thought about something real quick glanced at Iris and Mitch standing behind her, then went to grab Eddie when an arrow extended and wrapped around his body. "Run!" Yelled The Arrow in the dark shadows of a building.
"Eddie, run!" Iris told Eddie as she ran back to her car. Eddie got up and ran as best as he could.
"You need to calm down." Oliver said.
"And you need to hold on!" Barry said as he ran with Oliver still holding onto the bow connected to the arrow that wrapped around Barry, dragging him across the pavement. Mitch got in his car and sped to follow them.
Barry finally stopped somewhere new. He broke free of the arrow. Mitch caught up with them. He got out of the car had his gun ready. Oliver pulled another arrow and shot it at Barry. Barry dodged the arrow. "You missed."
Oliver shook his head. "No."
A flash of light created an explosion disorienting his vision. Barry groaned in agony. Oliver then pulled out another arrow and shot it to where it hit him in the shoulder blade. "2000 milligrams of horse tranquilizer should be hitting you any time now." Barry got up from the ground and started phasing his entire body relieving his body of the tranquilizer. Oliver shot and arrow in the air like a graphling hook. As he was rising up. "Where you going?" Barry yelled. He ran to the top of the building cut the line and had Oliver fall from the building. "We're not done!"
Mitch let of a shot of his gun. Barry dodged to bullet again. "Fool me once." Barry commented. Then Oliver threw a small arrow right through his calve. Barry dropped to the ground in pain, groaning and moaning.
"I still believe in you, Barry." Oliver said, out of breath.

In a S.T.A.R. Labs van, Joe was driving to Barry, Oliver, and Mitch's location, with Dr. Wells. "Is this even going to work?" Joe asked unsure on Dr. Wells' plan.
"He just needs to see the right colors." Dr. Wells said with a remote control in his hands. "Now, Joe!" Dr. Wells said giving a signal.

Oliver put Barry into a head lock and held him facing the van that was shining lights flashing. After a moment of Barry looking at the lights, like he was in a trance. The lights shut off and Barry groaned in pain and clutched his head with his hands. "Barry," Oliver called for him. "you okay?"
"Oh," Barry groaned turned around to face Oliver and Mitch. "This is going to be a special kind of hangover." Oliver and Mitch glanced at each other and smiled. Oliver and Mitch put Barry's arms around their necks and helped walk him to the van to take him back to S.T.A.R. Labs. "Oliver..." Barry said. "I'm so sorry."
"It's not your fault." Oliver said.
They all got into the van and Joe drove them all back to S.T.A.R. Labs.

Mitch Rapp's Mission in Central City: The Flash VS Arrow versionWhere stories live. Discover now