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Vicki's P.O.V

I go into The Cake Café, taking the journal and key with me. I spot Lauren at a table with two of her fellow queens.

"Sorry I hope you don't mind. Lauren Byrne and Jen really wanted to come along." Lauren apologizes.

"Haha, actually we might want a bigger table." I tell her, "I guess Millie and Lexi has the same idea."

I wave down a waitress and asked to be moved to a bigger table. As soon as we all got situated at our new table we see Millie and Lexi's car pull up. Millie gets out of the car and races indoors towards us.

"Vicki! I feel like I haven't seen you in forever." Millie shouts.

"Where's Lexi?" I ask her.

"Oh, she's coming. She's a just a slow poke."

I watch the car as Lexi gets up from the passenger seat of the car. She looked a little frazzled almost like she was on a roller coaster. Lexi came in and took a seat next to Lauren Byrne.

"Note to everyone. Never let Millie drive." Lexi states, "I thought we were going to crash every five minutes."

"Oh. Stop being such a drama queen. I'm not that bad at driving." Millie defensively says.

"Yes you are." I tell her, "You almost got us all killed when we were running late to the SIX flash mob. You ran a red light and almost caused a accident. Plus that time we were running late to Natalie's surprise party you got us pulled over by the police for going over the speed limit."

"Okay. I admit it I'm not the best driver, but at least I got everyone there on time."

"So Vicki, what did you find in the journal so far besides the mysterious key? asks Drew.

"What journal?" Asks Millie.

"I thought you two were going to be doing your own thing." I reminded Millie.

"Yeah, but you never told us about the key or the journal."

I sigh as I tell everyone the story. I really didn't want Jen and Lauren Byrne to get involved in this, but I knew that Millie would never let it go unless I told her. As I finish my story Lexi looks at me with her eyes open wide.

"So you're telling me there is a creepy man who broke into your flat that is chasing after you?" Asks Lexi.

"And that there is a mysterious fan named, N, that has mysteriously disappeared?" Adds Byrne

"And she trusted you with a mysterious journal filled with information on where she could possibly be?" Adds Jen

"And if you don't find her it will be all your fault because she trusted you with her secret, and if you don't find her or you find her dead it will all be your fault since you didn't find her in enough time, then you will forever feel guilty for not finding her quicker." Adds Millie, "No pressure or anything."

"Yes." I tell them.

"Can you read us a page from the journal?" Asks Jen.

"Sure." I tell them.

I check around to make sure the man who broke into my flat isn't around. I would hate for him to get any information. I open up the journal to the next page. Once again I find another piece of paper taped inside the journal.

"7/2/19 (For anyone who is confused it's February 7 2019. Since N is from the U.K. I'm writing the dates like the people in the U.K. write them.)

Dear Diary,

My dad hasn't come back from his business trip yet. My cousin Miracle is annoying as ever and my Aunt Iris keeps her distance from me. Today Aunt Iris made me clean the attic. While I was up there I found something. A photo of my mum and dad. It pictures them in front of a big castle in Wales with mum's elderly dog, King. I only know King from photos, since he passed away when I was two. When my Aunt Iris found out I was snooping around in her attic she took me to her room. There she beat me with a paddle. She struck me over and over again hitting me harder when every single blow. I was able to sneak the photo from the attic into my pocket. I'm going to treasure this photo of them forever.

Sincerely, N"

"Wow, that's cool but how is that supposed to help us find her?" asks Jen.

"She attached the photo of her parents." I tell them handing over the photo that N found in her attic.

"Aww... that's a cute dog. My parents used to have some of those dogs. It's a Pembroke Welsh Corgi. They are so cute!" Millie squeals.

"Wait can I see the photo?" asks Drew.


I hand her the photo and watch as her eyes widen. She then flips the photo over and gasps. She quickly takes out her phone and snaps a picture to keep. Doing the same to the back of the photo.

"Girls, I think we're going to have to split up into two teams. The Welsh castle they are standing in front of is Pembroke Castle. It's not too far from here. I think there is something connected with that Pembroke castle. We need to investigate the castle. Look for any clues they could possibly be trying to tell us." Drew says.

"Yes that makes sense! The Pembroke Welsh Corgi and the Pembroke castle. This must have to do with key, I just know it!" Exclaims Lexi.

"The other team needs to do some research on Daniella and Axel Ambrose. On the back of the photo it says 'Daniella and Axel Ambrose first wedding anniversary at Pembroke castle'. I have a feeling N's disappearance has to do with her family. They are so mysterious, especially her Aunt Iris." Drew tells us.

"Yes, that sounds like a good idea. Drew, Alexia and Jen can find info on N's parents. Byrne, Millie, and I will go to the castle." I explain to everyone.

"Sounds good but my stomach is telling me lunch. I think we should order something." Byrne says.

"Umm... girls I know you had your heart on cake shopping but I think we are going to have to leave now." I tell everyone, "The man who broke into my flat is running towards us."

He flys into the café at full speed. I hold on close to the journal and check to make sure the key was safely around my neck.

"Give it to me!" The man storms over to me.

"No chance creepy man! She'll never give it to you!" Millie yells

"Now is that any way to talk to your brother. Millie?" asks the man.

I look to see Millie's panicked face when she realizes who the man is.

"Millie he's your brother?" I ask her.

"Yes." She says as she looks down almost ashamed to know who he is, "but not anymore."


Sorry I haven't updated in a while. The world is sorta going crazy right now and quite frankly I don't really know what to write. Please be patient with me and I plan on updating a bit tomorrow. Thanks for reading!

Sincerely, N (A SIX the Musical Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now