Long Lost Friend

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Vicki's P.O.V

"You can call me Gene though." Gene tells me.

"I didn't know you had a sister Sam."

"Yeah, unfortunately I've been stuck with this one since birth." Gene says as she points to Sam.

"Oh, stop it! I'm not that bad." Sam says.

"Haha when we were younger you used to..." Gene is stoped by Sam as she puts her hand on her mouth.

"I think we've heard enough of you today Gene." Sam tells her, "Let's go back home."

"Geez I was just trying to meet your new friend." Gene says defensively.

"Well you can get to know her without bringing up embarrassing stories of me!" Sam snaps back.

"Okay, okay. No need to yell." Gene says and she puts her hands up in defeat.

Sam motions me to follow her and so I follow her and Gene to her apartment.

"Thank you so much for letting me stay here." I say.

"Yeah, no problem." Sam yawns,

"I'll let you two get your sleep." Gene tells me, "I'm right next door if you need anything."

Gene leave me and Sam together and Sam shows me to my room.

"Sorry I cant stay up any later. I need to go to bed. See you tomorrow Vic."

"Goodnight." I tell Sam.

I step into the shower letting the water rinse over my overly hair sprayed hair. The soft sound of humming comes out of my mouth as I make up a melody. I turn off the shower and get into my pajamas before brush my teeth m. After showering I decide to lay down on my bed. I can't help but think I'm failing. I came to the US to gather information about Daniella, but Sam doesn't seem to be any help. If I don't find Daniella friend before I go back home then will I ever be able to find N? I mean Sam has to know someone from Iowa that could lead me in the correct direction. Then it hits me.

"Maybe Gene knows something about Daniella." I say maybe a little too loudly as I see Sam's bedroom light turn on.

"Everything okay Vicki?" Sam asks from the other room.

"Yeah, just thinking out loud." I tell her.

I wait until I hear the sound of Sam sleeping. I get out of my bed and grab the journal on my way out. Quietly tip toeing I walk to Gene's room. I softly knock on her door, trying to not wake neighbors up.

"Gene? It's me Vicki." I whisper.

The door opens and I see Gene with a glass of alcohol in her hand. She stands in the doorway sipping her alcoholic beverage.

"Oh, hey Vicki! Come on in." Gene moves to the side allowing me to come in, "Do you want something to drink?"

"Umm... I probably shouldn't since I have to go to work tomorrow." I tell her.

"Okay, your loss. What bring you over here?" She asks me.

"Well, I know you and Sam grew up in Iowa, and I am looking for someone named Daniella. Do you happen to know anyone named Daniella?" I ask Gene

Gene's body language seems to tense up at the mention of Daniella's name. It's almost as if Gene is having a flashback of her childhood.

"Well when I was younger my best friend's name was Daniella."

I know the chance of her knowing someone named Daniella is high, but could it be the same Daniella? I pull out the journal and a show Gene the picture of Daniella and Axel Ambrose. Gene grabs the picture and looks at it with intense eyes.

"Is this the same person you were friends with." I ask her.

She scans the photo as her eyes grow bigger when she looks at Daniella. She almost drops her wineglass she is so shaken up. Her surprise soon turns into rage.

"Did Daniella send you?" She asks her voice firm and not as friendly as it normally is.

"No, is there something wrong?" I ask Gene.

"I've spent years trying to forget this woman and now you just want to waltz her back into my life. That girl has already caused enough trouble." Gene says obviously annoyed at my question.

She throws the photo back over to me as if it didn't matter.

"Gene you have to listen to me." I try to plead with her but it's no use. She had already made up her mind that she was done with this conversation.

"Please, I think it would be best if you leave now."

Gene's eyes were cold as if she was telling me not to disobey her. I stand up from the chair and Gene walks me to the door. Whatever I've said clearly has angered her. I walk out of her apartment and turn around to head back. Maybe she will feel better later. I try to open the door to Sam's apartment but it's locked.

"Gene wait the door is..."

She had already left me. Not wanting to wake Sam up I lay down next to the door. Why is Gene angered at the memory of Daniella. This family mystery just keeps getting weirder and weirder. First Axel Ambrose is a murderer and now Daniella has had some beef with Gene Pauly. I want to know why but I can't imagine Gene will be any happier if I bring the subject up again. But I know I have to. As every single day goes by there is less of a chance N will make it out alive. She trusted me with her secret and I'm not going to let her down. I fight to stay awake but fatigue finally gets to me and my eyes slowly drift off into a deep dark sleep.

Aunt Iris's P.O.V

I get off my plane. Finally NYC. I've made it to the Big Apple. I must find Regina Pauly and I must find her before that blonde brat can get any information out of her. If the blonde brat gets anymore clues she going to because a bigger threat then I'd thought.

"I think it's time to visit a long lost friend."

Sincerely, N (A SIX the Musical Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now