The Viper

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Millie's P.O.V

"Who did you make the deal with?" I ask Matthew.

"Well I'm not completely sure, but she calls herself The Viper."

"What does she look like?" I ask.

"I never know. Anytime I've ever met her she would wear a black cloak. I've never been able to see her face since she takes great preconditions in order to hide her face."

I think about it. Who could this girl be? Could it be the same person who was trying to take N? There are so many questions that I need to have answered but I can't just sit around especially when Lillie is in danger. Yet I also can't give Matthew the key. If he gives the key to "her" then who knows what she will do with it. There are many things that are unknown right now, but something tells me that this key opens something powerful.

"Matthew, as much as I want to help you I can't give you the key." I tell him.

As much as I want Lillie to be safe my gut is telling me that giving Matthew the key is a huge mistake. I mean he has lied to me before.

"What are you crazy!" Matthew yells at me.

I can tell from the expression on his face that he is getting more aggressive with me. He's always had some anger problems but he doesn't normally take them out on me.

"Matthew I can't give it to you. Do you have any idea what the key could even open? Whatever it opens this girl is going to great lengths to make sure she can get the key. I believe the key will open something powerful and I can't just give the key right to her." I tell him.

"I thought that after all these years you would still care about me. At the very least I thought you would care about Lillie."

"Matthew, I care about Lillie very much but you have to see how this looks in my eyes. I literally haven't seen you for years and now you just pop up and are trying to steal this key because apparently there's a woman after Lillie."

There's a look of hurt in his eyes. I don't want believe him, I can't believe him. For the sake of my sanity, but if he is telling the truth then Lillie is in danger.

"Matthew I can't help you." I tell him.

"I thought if anyone would understand my situation it'd be you! Fine I guess we'll have to do this the hard way!"

His runs past me and towards the café. Where could he be going? I think about what he's doing when I realize that he's doing after the key.

Vicki's P.O.V

"Where could Millie be? She is taking so long. I hope she is okay." Drew states.

The man who broke into my flat, the man who Millie called Matthew, was running full speed towards me.

"Leave me alone!" I yell at him as I run away from him.

"Just give me what I want and no one will get hurt." He replies to me.

I can feel my hands shaking as he keep getting closer to me. My grip on the journal is slowly loosening. Right before Matthew is about to catch me Millie runs into the café and grabs Matthew by his shirt collar. Matthew fists comes around at connects with Millie's face.

"Millie!" Jen shouts.

"What did you do to her? You monster!" Lexi screams.

"You girls just don't understand. You will never understand. I'm doing what it takes to survive." Matthew yells back at us.

By now everyone in the café is looking at us. We have officially started a scene. I see people start whispering to each other and I know we have to leave before we do anything that gets us into trouble.


The sound of a timer goes off and Matthew's face goes pale. A dark cloaked figure comes into the café.

"Matthew your time is up!" The voice booms throughout the café.

"No, no I still have until tomorrow. You told me I had until Monday."

"It is Monday Matthew." Her voice sends shivers up my spine, "Where is the key?"

By this time I see Millie get to her feet. She looks at me telling me I need to leave. Before anything else can be said Millie and I rush to my car and hop in. I'm guessing Millie could read the look on my face. She breaks the silence as I start the car,

"Come on I'm sure the girls will be fine. They have no information that is valuable enough for her to kidnap them." Millie reassures me.

I pull out  from the café parking lot are start driving away.

"Millie who is the woman in there and what does she want with Matthew?" I ask her.

She looks away from my eyes. I can feel she has almost a sense of guilt. Like she let someone down or she regrets something.

"Millie?" I say her name in hopes she'll look up and answer me.

"Vicki... I've done something terrible. That woman she is going to take away my niece and I could have prevented it, but I... I didn't." Her voice seems as if she gave into defeat. She starts shaking in the back seat of my car.

"Millie, honey. Who is that woman?"

She looks up at me finally giving me eye contact.

"She calls herself The Viper"

Sincerely, N (A SIX the Musical Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now