Matthew Pt 1

188 8 2

Millie's P.O.V

"Matthew? Was it really you who broke into Vicki's flat?" I ask him.

"Well, technically yes, but I have a good explanation." He tells me.

"What could possibly justify breaking into someone's flat? You have no right to be following us around. You should be ashamed of what you are doing!" I yell at him.

"Millie Billie I was..."

"Don't call me that! You no longer are my brother! Get away from me!" I angrily shout at him.

I push him away from me and storm out the door. My family fostered kids ever since I was a little girl. I was used to seeing kids show up one day and disappear the next.


My eyes stare at a boy around my age coming into my home. I remember the boy from school. He would always hang out with the music teacher and he would eat lunch alone. I hate when new kids come to our house. My parents always say they love me but I can't help but feel angry when they start loving another kid that they barely know. I glare at the boy with long dreadlocks. I watch as he gets out of the car with a trash bag will of his belongings. My mom runs over to greet him while I run back into the house. I go to my room and shut the door hoping to keep him out.

"Hey, Millie open up darling. There's someone I want you to meet." The voice of my mother rings through the door.

"Go away!"

"Millie, open the door or your going to be grounded for the week."

I slowly get up from bed and unlock the door to let my mom and the new kid come in. His eyes stare at the floor trying not to make eye contact with me.

"Millie, this is your new brother Matthew. He'll be staying here for a couple of months." My mom tells me.

"Hey." I unenthusiastically say.

"Hi." He says continuing to look at the ground.

"Great I've met him, now please leave my room." I tell my mom.

I look at him trying to get him to look me in the eye to no avail. Matthew looks up for one second, but not at me. He spots my framed playbill from Annie and gazes at it. My mom had just taken me to, Annie, my first West End musical a couple months ago and I fell in love with it.

"Okay I guess I'll leave you two alone to bond." My mother tells me.

"Why can't he just go to his own room?" I as

My mother pulls me aside and tells me,

"Millie, this little boy's parents have just been sent to jail for alleged murder and we have no idea when or how long he will be staying. I expect you to treat him with respect and to try to make friends since he might be staying with us for a while."

I slump over and slowly walk back into my bedroom.

"So, you like Annie?" Matthew asks pointing to my Annie playbill.

"Yeah I just went to go see it a couple months ago. It was really good." I tell him.

"Annie is my favorite musical. I had no idea that you'd be into musical. Have you ever been in one?"

"A musical?" I laugh at the thought, "No I can't sing."

"Sure you can." He tells me.

"No, I really can't."

"Well, can you talk?" He asks me.

"Well, yeah."

"So if you can talk you can sing."

"You don't get it Matthew. I have stage fright."

He stands there staring at me and for the first time and I can see his eyes. They are crystal blue which is odd since he is African American. His light blue eyes stand out against his dark skin.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to force you into doing something. I just thought that maybe you would want to try out for the school musical with me. Since your into musical." He apologizes.

"No thanks, I'm good. I just feel very vulnerable with I sing on stage. It's like begging for people to judge how you sing, act, and dance. It's very nerve racking." I tell him.

He looks back down on the ground feeling sorry he brought up the conversation. He fidgets with his hands while looking at he shoes.

The next day Matthew and I go into music class when they were going to hold the musical auditions. Like normal I sit in the back to lower my chances of getting called on. Just like past years I'll just help paint the background or something behind the scene where people can't see me.

"Hello class. As you now today we are going to hold auditions for our school musical this year. Now you're all probably dying to know what this year's just is going to be so without further ado this year we are going to put on the production Annie!"

The whole room is silent not interested in anything. No one at our school cares about the musical since every year Scarlet Park gets the lead role. People quit trying after 3rd year.

"I'm sure you are all Dinklage with the song Tomorrow from Annie, but I'd you've never heard of it before I'll quickly play it for you up on the TV" Ms. Young tells the class.

She put on a clip from the movie and I watch as about three kids fall asleep in the middle of the song. If only I didn't have stage fright maybe I'd have the guts to try out. But I know my place in the productions. I'm not meant to be a star on the stage. I'm meant to just stay behind the curtains and cheer the actors on.

"So is there anyone who would like to volunteer to start out our auditions. It's very simple. Just come up tell me your name and I'll hand you the sheet music for Tomorrow from Annie."

"Oh, I'll give it a go!" Scarlet's hand pops up.

I watch as she nails her song and takes a bow.

"Who's next?" Ms. Young asks.

"I'll give it a go!" Matthew exclaims, "But I was wondering if I could do a duet with another person."

"Sure that's fine. Who is going to be your partner?" Ms. Young asks.

"Millie, could you be my Annie please?" Matthew asks me holding his hand out towards me.

I freeze not wanting to go up and sing. I glare at him as he continues to look at me. Now the whole class is staring at me wondering if I dare audition for Annie. Scarlet looks at me with disdain in her heart. It's almost as if she is telling me to not even dare audition for that part. Matthew walks over, takes my hand, and pulls me up to the front of the class.

"Okay, whenever you two are ready."

The hold he has on my hand is firm was gentle. We pick up at the start of the song and start to sing. In the moment when we are singing it almost feels like everyone disappears. The way it feels when it is just the two of us makes me forget I'm auditioning. He harmonizes with me towards the end of the song and we receive a loud cheering from our classmates. I look at them having forgot they were there. When I see Scarlet pout and cross her arms it makes me feel good. The thrill of singing makes me so happy and excited inside. The adrenaline is pumping and I feel like I could've gone on forever.


I ended up getting the lead part that day. It was the first time I felt like I could do this as a career. I felt like I owed my whole life to Matthew. We continued to foster him after his parents were found guilty of murder and we were really close. We grew up together and I always considered him my brother. Until the day we found out that my twelve year old cousin was pregnant with his baby.


Hey guys gonna make this a  chapter two parter. I've been working on this for a while now as I've really been trying to mess around with character development. It's also sorta hard because I have the main idea of what is gonna happen but I just don't have a timeline of when it is going to happen or it what is going to happen in each chapter. Once again thanks for being patient with me.

Sincerely, N (A SIX the Musical Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now