A Million Miles Away

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Vicki's P.O.V

I quickly pull out and start driving. It's going to be at least a 4 hour drive from London to Wales. I stop at a nearby gas station to fill up the tank. While I'm waiting for the gas to fill the tank I receive a text from Lauren Drew.

Lauren: Hey, wondering where you'd like to meet.

Vicki: The Cake Shop sound okay???

Lauren: sure haven't been there in forever! See you after the matinee for lunch?

Vicki: Yep, I'll be there!

I text the Queens Group Chat telling them I might be a little late for warmup the next day.

Vicki: Hey girls, I'm going on a little trip to Wales today. Don't be surprised if I arrived a little late to warmup tomorrow morning.

Aimie: Why, you going to Wales hun?

Vicki: It's sorta a long story. I promise I'll tell you guys later, but long story short me and Lauren Drew are going to The Cake Cafe.

Millie: Wait a minute! You cant go cake shopping without me!

Lexi: And Me! I'm still salty that someone stole my cake the other day.

Vicki: But girls you have to work. There can't be three people out of work today.

Millie: I'm sure Grace and Courtney would love to fill in for us.

Grace: Wait, what?!

Courtney: Haha, wait yeah. When did we agree to fill in for you two?

Lexi: Courtney that is literally your job!

Courtney: oh yeah , I guess it is.

Grace: I still don't think leaving to go cake shopping is an appropriate excuse to leave work today.

Millie: I have plenty of paid leave, so I'm good. Plus this is a very important matter! Please Gracie!!

Grace: Okay, on one condition, Never, and I mean never call me Gracie again!

Maiya: Haha Gracie!

Grace: STOP IT!

Vicki: Hey, no one is asking me. This is supposed to be my lunch time with Lauren. I didn't expect two more to be joining us, plus I'm going there on an improtant mission.

Lexi: Oh, Vics calm down babe. You get too worked up. I promise you won't even notice me and Millie are there. We'll be off doing our own thing.

Vicki: Fine, I guess you guys can come. You're taking your own rides though.

I pay for my gas and pull out of the gas station. I hope Lauren's okay with two more joining us. As I look in the rear view mirror I spot a familiar face in a police car. It's the guy that broke into my flat! If only that man wasn't part of the police I would've sped away as fast as I could. The best thing I could do though was try to keep the distance from us as far away as possible. I keep my eye on him as I head for the high way. He is following me and I have a feeling that he isn't going to stop following me until he gets what he wants. I put my hand on my chest to make sure the key is still there. This girl is counting on me and I have to make sure she stays safe. Her life is in my hands right now and I can't screw this up. When I think of her a small feeling of protection comes over me. It's as if I've personally known her. When I arrive at the café I hop out of the car and keep looking behind my back making sure that police man isn't behind me. I managed to loose him while on the highway, but I know he will find me quick.

Man Who Broke Into Vicki's Flat P.O.V (yes I know long name)


I pound my fist into the steering wheel. I'm stuck in traffic and I won't be able to catch up with her. I can't keep letting her out of my sight. She already knows too much. My eyes glances at a sign she passes nearby "Welcome to Wales". A smile creeps over my face. I've got her now.

Sincerely, N (A SIX the Musical Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now