Boys won't be in the band

Hi I'm tegan Penelope cooper im 19 years old from LA i have younger brother named sam and thats all u need to know for now

Hi I'm tegan Penelope cooper im 19 years old from LA i have younger brother named sam and thats all u need to know for now

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Tegan : dad I'm going out
Dad : ok have fun
Tegan : i will

I walk out the door getting in my car and i drive to the mall

Tegan : yo
Yashvi : yo back
Tegan ; how are u
Yashvi : I'm good tired but good
Tegan : same sam was shouting at video games all night
Yashvi : so happy i don't have a brother
Tegan ; your luckey
Yashvi : right lets go shopping i gotta buy stuff for Hawaii
Tegan : I'm so jelouse u get to go to hawaii then u go back to Australia
Yashvi : come to hawaii with me
Tegan : i can't
Yashvi : so mean
Tegan : I'm sorry
Yashvi ; anyway lets shop
Tegan : we need find u the cutiest clothes
Yashvi : yes we do

We walk into the stores and i help yashvi find some clothes and other things

Tegan ; u should find some sexy clothes for Ned
Yashvi : oh yh and could u imagine what my parents would do if they found u
Tegan : u would get killed
Yashvi : so i think the sexy clothes will have a to be a no
Tegan : that so sad u leave ned for months on end u should treat him
Yashvi ; i have ways don't worry
Tegan : ok
Yashvi : ok right this bikini or this one
Tegan : blue and pink one
Yashvi ; ok anything u wanna look at before i pay
Tegan : nah
Yashvi : lets then pay then

Yash pays for her stuff and we walk out

Tegan : i got poison stuff in my head
Yashvi : Got venom dripping from my lips
Know who you're about to kiss
Tegan : Think that you can handle it (Boy, it's on)
Just step into the danger zone

We both start singing it and having a little dance

Guy : yash
Yashvi : holy crap jonah marais

They hug

Jonah : what are u doing here like in LA
Yashvi : visting frineds was about to ask why u here but then i rember u left high school to move here
Jonah : yh so u still living in Minnesota
Yashvi : no after i graduated moved to LA then moved back to Australia
Jonah : jelouse of your assuie accident still
Yashvi : good
Jonah ; oh by the way this is daniel
Yashvi : thats Tegan
Tegan : hi
Daniel : hi
Jonah : come get with lunch with us have a catch up
Yashvi : u ok with that
Tegan : yh
Daniel : lets go then cause I'm straving

We wall to the food court getting food

Jonah : so I've seen some of your insta posts u got a boyfriend
Yashvi : yh about fucking time
Tegan : litrally
Yashvi : hey i don't see u having one
Daniel : exposed
Tegan : i know right
Yashvi : hows the love life for u
Jonah ; pretty good i have a girlfriend been dating over a year so
Yashvi ; so no longer fuck boy marais
Jonah : i was never fuck boy marais
Daniel : yes u were
Yashvi : why were u called hoenah then

I let out a little laugh

Tegan : i like that name
Daniel : it's brilliant
Tegan : it is
Daniel : thanks to ever gave him that name
Yashvi : who gave u that name
Jonah ; i don't even know
Tegan : so how did u meet
Jonah : went to high school together
Yashvi : yh when i moved out there
Daniel : so u lived in Australia
Yashvi : yh i was born there and lived there till i was 14 then moved to minnastoa . But now living back in Australia
Daniel : what part
Yashvi : Melbourne
Tegan : one day i am moving out there with u
Jonah : i wanna go to Australia badly
Daniel : me and u both but then theres a lot of places we wanna go
Jonah : true
Tegan : u just wanna explore
Daniel : yh
Jonah : see new places
Tegan : i do aswell
Yashvi ; yh
Jonah : when u gonna invite me to Australia
Yashvi : come when u want
Jonah ; ok i will
Daniel : u take me with
Jonah : I'll take u zach Corbyn and jack
Daniel : chill
Yashvi : so u still talking to luca
Tegan : ha nope
Yashvi ; why u would of been cute why aren't u talking now
Tegan : cause he sent me a dick pic and dick pics aren't attractive and i also found he had a girlfriend .
Yashvi : i never saw luca sending pics
Tegan : neither we were just message then dick pic appears
Jonah : who even sends dick pics anymore
Daniel : I'd think a lot of honry guys
Yashvi : do u send
Daniel : no cause i wouldn't want them going round anywhere and also don't trust girls with thoeses type of pitures
Jonah : yh don't send kids
Yashvi : never
Tegan : never ever
Daniel : nope
Jonah : we all good humans
Yashvi : we are
Daniel : well not really having sex is worse then sending nudes and i know for fact me and u have done the nasty not sure about them .
Tegan ; u guys done the nasty together

Me and yash start laughing

Daniel : why did i make sound like we did
Jonah : i don't know fuck face but no we didn't but with girls we have not each other
Tegan : ok
Yashvi : but we have also not with each other
Tegan : yh
Jonah : so how did u 2 meet
Yashvi ; throw frineds what about u 2
Jonah : i met my frined jack on tour a few years back and jack knew daniel from idol so jack introduced us and we become frineds cause we had the dreams and shits
Daniel : yh and then we moved to LA
Yashvi : ah
Tegan : u were on idol
Daniel : yh a long time ago now

I nod my head

Tegan : that must of been cool
Daniel ; it was untill i got kicked off on my birthday
Tegan : oh no
Daniel : so yh
Yashvi : we should go
Tegan : ok
Jonah : see u around
Yashvi : yes we got to see each other again
Jonah : yh I'll message u
Yashvi : chill see u
Tegan : bye
Jonah : bye
Daniel : see u

We get up walking away

Yashvi : can u drop me home i got uber here
Tegan : sure

We walk to my car getting in

Tegan : hes cute
Yashvi : who
Tegan ; daniel
Yashvi : how did i know u would say that
Tegan : u know me
Yashvi : yh aww should get his number
Tegan : we've left now so no
Yashvi : damn it
Tegan : oh well

I keep driving and i drop yashvi home and then i drive home

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