Skip a few days

Dad : sam tegan I'm leaving for work
Sam ; ok
Tegan ; love u have fun
Dad ; love u both

He goes

Tegan : Daniel should be here soon I'm going upstairs tell him to come up
Sam ; ok
Tegan : thanks

I walk upstairs turning on my speaker and i lisen to music while going on my phone .

Daniel : hi
Tegan ; hey

He leans down and kisses me and sits down

Daniel : lisening to Leona Lewis
Tegan ; u know who she is
Daniel : I've lisened to a few of her songs
Tegan : everyone i know has no clue who she is
Daniel : well u finally found someone
Tegan : yay
Daniel : so hows your sun burn
Tegan ; i don't hurt anymore
Daniel : thats good
Tegan ; yh so how are u
Daniel ; I'm good
Tegan : good
Daniel : how are u
Tegan : I'm fine
Daniel : my sister said when a girl says fine they aren't fine
Tegan : no i am I'm fine
Daniel : ok anyway lets sleep
Tegan : no
Daniel : yes

He cuddles me and i try push his head away

Tegan : no sleeping
Daniel : yes sleep
Tegan : no get up
Daniel : not happening
Tegan ; it is
Daniel : nope

I kiss him and he kisses me back he puts his hand on my waist and i put my hand on his jaw and he swips his tonge against my lips and i open up and we fight for denomination and he wins . He pulls me ontop of him and i start kissing his neck making sure i leave marks ans he pulls my shirt off And i pull his shirt off 

And u know what happend

Daniel : jeuse
Tegan : yh
Daniel : are u ok
Tegan : yh are u
Daniel : perfectly fine
Tegan : good
Daniel : now can i sleep
Tegan : your so boring
Daniel : am not
Tegan : so are
Daniel : what ever I'm sleeping
Tegan : ok u enjoy

I get out of bed getting dressed and i go to the bathroom doing my bussnies and i sort out my hair and i walk out.

Tegan : u have fun sleeping I'm going on the roof
Daniel : roof
Tegan : yes so i can sun tan
Daniel : I'll come with
Tegan ; so now u will get up
Daniel ; yes
Tegan ; ok 

I clim out my window and i lay on the roof

Daniel : man its bright
Tegan : yh need sun glasses
Daniel : same but don't have any on me
Tegan : i lost all mine
Daniel : i swear everyone losses glasses
Tegan : and socks well we know where boys socks go
Daniel : what
Tegan : boys socks go under there beds after they've been used and I'm not talking about after they've been on there feet
Daniel :  omg
Tegan : true tho
Daniel : well not me
Tegan : most boys then
Daniel : don't really know to be honest don't ask guys that
Tegan : ok
Daniel : I've got a question to ask
Tegan : ok
Daniel : i really like u and I've enjoyed getting to know u
Tegan : i feel like this is where your gonna say but i think we should stay frineds are u ok with that
Daniel : what no i was going to ask if u wanted to be my girlfriend
Tegan : really
Daniel : yh your litrally the only girl I've liked since moving here and I've been in LA almost 3 years . And i really like u and i haven't ever felt like this before
Tegan : i haven't either
Daniel : so will u be my girlfriend
Tegan : yes
Daniel : yes

I let out a little laugh and i kiss him 

Daniel : I'm finally not single anymore cause out of all my frineds i was the only single one
Tegan : all my frineds are single well apart from me now i guess
Daniel : what about Yashvi
Tegan : i mean like my frineds group in LA
Daniel : ah
Tegan : now u can say fuck u to your friends and be like im not single
Daniel : oh i will cause i got bullied for being single and jack said you'll be single for ever
Tegan ; sounds like a nice person
Daniel : he jokes around he was messing around
Tegan : yh

I see this women walk up our drive and i get up

Daniel : Tegan

I walk to my window climing throw and i go down stairs

Sam ; Tegan its mom
Mom : wow you've grown up
Sam : what about me
Mom : of course you've got big your 18 years old and i haven't seen u since u were 7 .
Sam ; why are u here how did u find where we live
Mom ; do u want me to go
Sam ; no I'm not letting u leave again I've got uber 10 years with out and i don't wanna lose u again
Mom : u aren't mad i left
Sam : no I've missed u more then anuthing
Mom ; oh i missed u to
Daniel : hi
Mom : well hello
Sam ; Tegan u haven't spoke
Tegan : Daniel u need to go
Daniel : oh ok

He kisses my cheek

Daniel : meet tomrrow
Tegan : I'll message u
Daniel : ok see u
Tegan : yh

He goes

Mom : can i get a hug

I push past her walking out the door and i get my phone calling dad

Dad : tegan I'm at work
Tegan : Mom
Dad : what
Tegan : mom shes at the house
Dad : right I'm coming home now stay upstairs
Tegan : I've left i can't be there with her I'm gonna go to James's
Dad : ok is sam ok
Tegan : sam is so happy
Dad : why the fuck is she back
Tegan : i don't know how did she even find out where we live
Dad : i don't know Tegan i don't know the answers but when i get home I'll get the answers
Tegan : I'm at James's
Dad : stay there
Tegan : i will
Dad : bye love u
Tegan : love u too

I hang up and i knock on the door

James : hey
Tegan ; can i stay here for a bit
James : yh of course whats up
Tegan : my mom is my house
James : what are u ok
Tegan : i don't know
James : oh god

He hugs me and i walk in and i start crying

James : i thought she wasn't aloud near u
Tegan : restraining orders don't last forever it ran out last year and i guess she wanted to see sam
Janes : she has no right she fucked up your life mean its only the past few years you've been able to trust people
Tegan : i know
James : is your dad there
Tegan : hes on his way back now
James : stay here aslong as u need well atcahlly I'm not letting u leave until that bitch behind bars
Tegan ; thank u
James : don't mention it i know u would look after me if i was ever in this situation or any of our frineds
Tegan : yh
James : do u want anything to eat or drink

I shake my head

James : ok just say of u want anything
Tegan ; i will thanks

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