Tegan : where's Yashvi
Ned : work
Tegan : she finshes at 8 right
Ned : yh
Tegan : ok well I'm going out see u later
Ned : yh

I walk out the door walking to Daniel hotel

Tegan ; hi

Daniel grabs my jacket and kisses me and i put my hand on his arm wrapping it around his neck and he swips his tonge against my lips and i open up and we fight for denomination and he wins .

Tegan : hello to u to
Daniel : hi
Tegan : what was that for
Daniel : can't i kiss my girlfriend
Tegan : no u can
Daniel : good
Tegan ; right i saw this video on tik tok me your gonna do it
Daniel : ok

I get my phone videoing

Tegan : bend over and touch your feet
Daniel : excuse me
Tegan : just do it
Daniel : fine

He bends touching his feet

Tegan : now spell run
Daniel : r u n
Tegan : say it again
Daniel : why
Tegan : do it
Daniel : r u n...omg

He takes my phone off me and we both start laughing

Daniel : rude
Tegan ; I'm sorry
Daniel : can't belive u
Tegan : can i do anuther one but it doesn't involve u bending over or anything
Daniel ; i guess

I get a load of pens putting them between his fingers

Tegan : what noise does a cat make
Daniel : meow
Tegan : what noise does a dog make
Daniel : woof
Tegan : what noise does a cow make
Daniel : moo
Tegan : what noise do u make in bed

I grab his hand squishing his fingers and he makes a weird noise

Daniel ; im not playing anymore games with u ow
Tegan ; I'm sorry
Daniel : better be

I kiss him

Daniel : just mean
Tegan : i know

(The games i played )

Daniel ; i gotta start watching tik toks see what challenges i can do to u
Tegan : I'm addicted to tik tok i think I'll know what u try
Daniel ; i will get aleast one on u
Tegan : ok well good luck
Daniel : I'm gonna need it with u
Tegan : u defantly are 
Daniel ;so do u feel like a walk
Tegan : yes
Daniel ; good move

I get up and we walk out of the hotel and he hold my hand

Tegan : so how were corbyn and jonah after the other night
Daniel : they were so hung over they were still asleep when i got back to the hotel
Tegan ; jeuse
Daniel : but me and zach woke them and as soon as we woke Corbyn up he went running to the bathroom throwing up
Tegan : oh no
Daniel : so something tells me they drank a lot
Tegan : yh clearly how could they sleep that long cause we didn't leave the cafe till 5
Daniel : its a thing i do some times later then that
Tegan : my god
Daniel : yh I'm lazy
Tegan : i already knew that all u wanna do is sleep
Daniel : sleep is amazing
Tegan : i do agree but i wouldn't till late anymore I've got myself a sleeping pattern
Daniel : I'll rewin that
Tegan : oh thanks
Daniel : yh when we get back to LA we can do late drives walks on the beach watch movies
Tegan : its sounding so nice and romantic
Daniel : it will be I'll make it romantic cause i haven't really done anything romantic even from the first time we dated to now
Tegan : u took us on that drive and for that walk that was romantic
Daniel : mhm well just know I'll be romantic
Tegan : ok well i can't wait
Daniel : i also want u to meet my family i know you've met Christian but the rest of my family
Tegan ; ok and i want u to meet my dad but maybe after everything is sorter with sam
Daniel : how is everything with sam
Tegan ; he will be going prison for 10 years with no chance of bail he has to do his full sentence .
Daniel : my god hes only 18
Tegan : i know buy the time he comes out he'll be 28 all his frineds will most likely have familys be married and he'll have nothing but me and dad . And with a criminal record he'll most likely not be able to get a job .
Daniel : people with criminal records can get jobs maybe not the best of jobs but he can . Mean look at Robert Downey Jr he killed someone and he played iron man
Tegan ; yh i guess
Daniel : hes gonna be fine

I nod my head

Tegan : right lets lighten up the mood let's dance
Daniel : for god sake

I take both his hands and we dance

Daniel : last time we danced u tryer tripping me up
Tegan : no cause u kissed me then called me small so i tripped u
Daniel : yh well u are

I stick my foot out and he actually falls and i burst out laughing

Daniel : ow
Tegan : good

He grabs my hand pulling me down and kisses me and i kiss him back

Tegan : pda
Daniel ; we won't see theses people again
Tegan : don't care
Daniel ; fine

We get up

Daniel : tegan
Tegan : daniel
Daniel : i love u
Tegan : fuck pda

I kiss him and he kisses me back swiping his tonge against my lips and i open up and we fight for denomination and he wins .

Tegan : i love u too

This is the end of the story Sorry its a crappy ending

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