Skip a few months

Tegan : sam I'm meeting Daniel for a drive do u wanna come
Sam : no thanks
Tegan ; ok

I walk out the door getting in my car

Tegan ; u fucking shit

I drive to daniel complex picking him up

Daniel : hey long time no see
Tegan : i know
Daniel : whats that smell
Tegan : i think weed
Daniel : oh
Tegan : not mine i think sam took my car and smoked weed in here that shit
Damiel ; u sure he hasn't left something in here its so strong
Tegan : i looked i can't see any
Daniel ; ok
Tegan : so how u been
Daniel : I've been good working on a lot of music a lot of sleeping and a lot of partys
Tegan ; sounds bussies
Daniel : very bussie
Tegan : surprised u have time to see me
Daniel :i make time for u
Tegan : aww so nice
Daniel : yh so how was filming
Tegan : fun i met a loads of my frineds on set from previous shows I've done
Daniel : thats must of fun
Tegan : it was u know i just walked in for a tabel read and to meet the cast then i see some frineds and I'm like woah your on the show there like yh u on the show and i say yh .

He starts laughing

Tegan ; cool story right
Daniel : amzing story
Tegan : i know
Daniel : right where are we going
Tegan ; i don't know
Daniel : do u just go for random drives
Tegan : yh i love driving and just getting lost
Daniel : ok well go where ever and get us lost
Tegan : i will
Daniel : so whens your show gonna come out
Tegan : end of the year
Daniel ; whats so that's long
Tegan : 9 months
Daniel : so fucking long thats unfair
Tegan : oh well
Daniel ; ugh
Tegan ; oh yh i know I've already messaged u but happy late birthday
Daniel : omg...thanks
Tegan :I'll take u out for dinner at some point
Daniel ; ok
Tegan : cause i don't really know what to get guys for there birthdays
Daniel ; u have a brother and dad
Tegan : i normally get them aftershave watchs and they tell me what they want
Daniel : ok
Tegan : yh
Daniel : when's your birthday
Tegan : not untill November
Daniel : so young
Tegan : shut up u only just turned 20 u were 19 not to long ago
Daniel : still young
Tegan : ok what ever
Daniel : so u going Coachella
Tegan : nope are u
Daniel : yes
Tegan : u gonna wear colourful clothes
Daniel : dunno to be honest need to look in my closet
Tegan : wear bright clothes
Daniel : we will see
Tegan : have u been before
Daniel :first time
Tegan : fun
Daniel : yh hopefully its fun and its not just the hype
Tegan : yh
Daniel ; guess what
Tegan : what
Daniel ; I'm dying my hair
Tegan : what colour
Daniel : blonde i wanna try my hair diffrently
Tegan : i can't wait see when u gonna do it
Daniel : few days i think
Tegan : u have to send me a piture as soon as its done
Daniel : i will
Tegan : good

My phone then starts ringing

Tegan : can u get that and put on speaker please
Daniel ; yh

He answers my phone

Tegan : hello
Abby : can u come round toms dad is threatening me
Tegan ; for fuck sake can't he leave u alone
Abby : clearly not he said hes gonna fuck me up aswell as my whole family and he says hes coming round to hurt us aprently
Tegan : right I'm coming over but tonys fucking 50 threatning a 16 year old its disgusting
Abby : yh and I'm home alone moms out of town kians working and hes comimg
Tegan : what the fuck
Abby : hes disgusting
Tegan : yh
Abby : the door i gotta go

She hangs up

Tegan : fucking hell
Daniel : whats happening
Tegan : my cousin dumped her boyfriend a few days ago and hes been all horrible and now his dads clearly got invloved
Daniel ; hes treating to hurt a 16 years and this toms dad is 50
Tegan : yh
Daniel : thats disgusting
Tegan : i know but do u want me to drop u home or u gonna come
Daniel : I'll come

I drive my cousins house and tonys out side with a bat

Tegan : oi get the hell away
Tony : oh fuck off tegan this doesn't involve u
Tegan : and it doesn't involve u but yet your here threatning a 16 year old
Tony : it dose involve me cause my sons invloved
Tegan : then it invloves me aswell cause abbys my family and u don't fuck my family .
Abby : mate just fuck off i never cheated on tom
Tony : why does tom think u did
Abby : toms controlling and crazy
Tony : don't call him crazy
Abby : hes fucking crazy and i can get him done I'm 16 and hes 19

He pushs her i push him

Tegan : don't lay a fucking hand on her again

He pushs me and sam appears hitting him

Daniel : are u ok
Tegan : yh 
Sam : get away from here if i find out You've gone anywhere near her or any of my family again i will kill u
Tony : yout whole familys messed up
Abby : not as messed up as yours

He away barging into all of us

Tegan : are u ok
Sam ; did he hurt u
Abby : no when i heard the door i didn't answer it i shouted throw the door then he manged to open the door and when he done that , that's when Tegan arrived so no he didn't hurt me
Daniel : hes disgusting
Abby : u can say that again
Sam : call the police
Abby : no i don't wanna get them invloved
Daniel : u should what if it happens again
Abby : it won't
Sam : I'll make sure it don't
Tegan : sam
Sam : what
Tegan ; leave it if he comes here again do what ever but u don't touch him till harms anyone in our family
Sam ; fine
Abby : right u should go
Tegan : no
Abby : yh kian will be back any minute
Sam : u guys go I'll stay with her untill kian gets here
Tegan : call me if anything happens
Abby : i will
Daniel : bye
Sam : bye

We walk to my car

Tegan : sorry about my family
Daniel ; its fine but jeez u have lungs on u

I let out a little laugh

Tegan : u don't mess with my family
Daniel : yh well clearly
Tegan : right am i taking u home
Daniel : yh
Tegan : we will go for a proper drive anuther time
Daniel : so we got to get dinner and go for anuther drive ok
Tegan : u don't have to
Daniel : no i want to
Tegan : good
Daniel : tomrrow we have dinner
Tegan : ok
Daniel : but instead of going out why don't u just come to mine order food
Tegan : u sure cause we can go out
Daniel : yh 
Tegan : what u got a secret girlfriend don't wanna be seen with me so she don't get the wrong idea
Daniel ; oh yh totally
Tegan : damn tell me about her
Daniel : secrets gotta keep her quiet its a secret girlfriend for a reason
Tegan : keeping them secrets
Daniel : yep i wish i had a girlfriend
Tegan : what them stealing your hoodies and then having to deal with them being moody cause there on there period. 
Daniel : yes cause I've never had a girlfriend well i did when i was 15 but that didn't last long
Tegan : oh dear
Daniel :so yh
Tegan ; theres someone out there for u
Daniel : yh
Tegan : who knows u could meet them tomrrow next week maybe in a few years....maybe you've already met them u don't know
Daniel : yh who knows

I pull up to daniels

Daniel : i guess see u tomrrow
Tegan : yh just tell me a time and I'll be there
Daniel : yh I'll message u
Tegan : ok
Daniel : bye
Tegan : bye

He gets out and i drive home

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