Skip a few weeks and at my court hearing

Dad : are u ok
Tegan : nervouse
Dad : don't be
Tegan : how can i not be i could go to prison for 3 to 10 years
Dad : u could just get community service
Tegan : i dout it
Dad : i promise u will only get community service i will do my damn best to proof to the judge it was self defence
Tegan : ok
Dad : u ready
Tegan : I'll have to be

We walk into the room where i see sam daniel jonah and a few of my frineds and we go to the tabel sitting down .

Man : all stand

We all stand up and the judge comes in

Judge : mr cooper yout client has been fully briefed with the charges
Dad : yes your honour
Judge : very well...tegan Penelope cooper u are charged 18th day of April 2019 in the state of los angles . U did commit murder to stella anne daily u have entered a plea of being guilty is that correct
Tegan : yes your Honour

We all start going over everything and then we go over the charter reference

Dad : as u can see shes been a good women her whole life shes an actor never any problems with the law . What happend to stella daily was a one off it was self defence stella had made tegans childhood horrible and nothing no child or any person should go throw . Her mother had beaten from a young age and had forced tegan to sell her body to older men for money . What Tegan had done was an accident a horrible accident that she regrets but if she had not of killed stella tegan could be dead . She not a murdera or a threat to Society and i ask u to consider your charge your honour
Judge : thank u mr cooper...there will be a recess for me to make my decision
Man : all rise

We all stand again and judge walks out

Tegan : omg
Dad : your fine
Sam : your going to be fine
James : yes the judge will see it was self defence and what u done was a horrible accident
Tegan : yh
Dad : I'll be back

He goes and i look at Daniel

Sam ; do u want me to ask him to go
Tegan : no hes fine to stay
Riley : i can't believe yash couldn't come
Tegan : i told her not to come i didn't really want u guys here but oh well if i go down aleast i can say good bye
James : stop
Tegan : i don't want to get my hopes up just for them not to happen
Riley : you'll be fine
Tegan : can people stop saying I'll be fine we won't know untill the judge has his verdict
Riley : sorry
Jonah : hey
Tegan : hi
Daniel : um how are u sorry crappy thing to ask
Tegan : its ok
Jonah : your dads making good points
James : yh never seen him in work mood
Sam : first for everything's
Daniel : i really hope things go good for u like u don't go to prison
Tegan : yh
James : we're all hopeing that she don't desver it
Riley : u don't
Dad : judge is coming go back to your places

They all sit back down

Man : all rise

We all stand again

Judge : miss cooper i would like to applaud your admission of guilt and i have deliberated at lengths over the circumstances leading to miss dailys death . Which were clearly traumatic taking into account that the evidence presented by the prosecutor the charter references and mr coopers stammets ....stand up miss cooper

I stand up

Judge : tegan Penelope cooper for the charges u have pleded guilt to... u are sentenced to 10 years in prison with a no parole period of 8 years
Sam : what
Dad : that outrageous

I start crying

James : no
Sam : wait i have proof she didn't kill stella
Tegan : sam no
Dad : what
Tegan : sam shut up leave now
Judge : what is your proof
Sam : i killed her i deleted the cctv footage but i kept a copy in cause i couldn't live with myself . I begged Tegan to take the blame
Tegan : hes lying
Sam : i have the footage here
Dad : tegan is this true
Judge : bring the tv player throw so we can watch
Tegan : sam u idiot
Sam : i can't let u do this for me

I cover my face and the tv gets brought in and the video plays of that night where u can see me and mom fighting and then sam shooting her .

Judge : sam adams cooper your under arrest for the murder of stella daily tegan cooper is free to go .
Dad : omg

I watch as sam gets arrested and my dad goes after them and judge leaves .

James : do u want us to stay
Tegan : no go all of u

They all leave but Daniels stays and we stay in silence

Daniel : u took the blame for him
Tegan : yes
Daniel : why i know hes your brother and family comes first but why u were about to go down for 10 for some thing u didn't do
Tegan : cause im his big sister your meant to protect your siblings especially your younger ones so its what i done .
Daniel : i don't think i could of done what u done taking the blame if u were incent

I nod my head

Tegan : i just wanted to protect him i have since we were young and jail is horrible the food the beds the people u get treated like shit . And get beat up and the officers do nothing about it
Daniel : thats why your beaten to a pulp your face
Tegan : i can handle i don't think sam can
Daniel ; he took down that guy who was threatning your cousin i think he can handel him
Tegan ; u don't know him like i do u don't know what your saying

I start crying and hell pulls me into a hug and i just cried harder

Daniel : ok so maybe i don't know him aswell but i know he'll be fine i just know he will
Tegan : oh god i need to find my dad
Daniel : please message me keep me updated
Tegan : ok
Daniel : call if u need me
Tegan ; ok
Daniel ; promise
Tegan : promise
Daniel : ok

I walk away and i look around for my dad

Dad : what the hell were u 2 thinking u shouldn't of taken the blame
Tegan : I'm sorry
Dad : this is the most stupidest of things u and sam have ever done u should of let sam take the blame
Tegan : i know
Dad : i have to sign some papers for u so u can leave and get your stuff and then once you've got your stuff i have to go to the prison for sam
Tegan : can i come
Dad : no u go home
Tegan : please
Dad : no i need to focus on getting sam
Tegan : ok

My dad signs the papers and i get my stuff and he leaves and i order an uber amd i head home going stright upstairs going to the bathroom .  Turning on the shower and i have my shower i get in my pjs and i brush my hair and teeth and i walk out going to my room and i sit down . Just praying sam is ok and can get out

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