Dad : hey
Tegan : hi
Dad : are u ok

I nod my head

Sam : your bitch
Tegan : what
Sam : u just left yeserday mom said how rude u were and i agree u didn't say hi give her or hug or anything . U just walked into her and left your a bitch
Dad : Samuel don't
Sam : what is your problem with her she done nothing and she told me how u forced her to leave
Dad ; i had my reasons
Sam : what cause your the reason i grew up with no mom what did she do that was so bad . That u made so i couldn't see for over 10 year
Tegan ; sam stop
Sam : no
Dad : she done stuff sam
Sam : what did she do

I then get a message from Daniel

Daniel : out side

I put my phone down

Tegan : do u know where mom is I'll go talk to her
Dad : no
Tegan : yes
Sam ; she's working at this night club I'll send u the address
Tegan : thanks
Dad : tegan
Tegan : bye

I walk out the door getting in daniels car

Daniel : hi
Tegan : hey
Daniel : are u ok after yesterday
Tegan : yh just can u take me somewhere then we can go get lunch
Daniel : yh sure where

I get the adress from sam and tell daniel

Daniel : a night club
Tegan : yh
Daniel : ok...what happend yeserday
Tegan : I've said how i had a messed up childhood well its my moms fault and seeing her yeserday brought it all back
Daniel : thats your mom

I nod my head

Daniel : what happend
Tegan : I'll say anuther time
Daniel : ok but u sure your ok
Tegan : yh are u ok
Daniel : yh I'm good but straving
Tegan : yh well we can get food soon
Daniel : yh
Tegan ; so are u all packed for Coachella
Daniel : i am
Tegan : got any bright out fits
Daniel : not really but i might change my mind as we get closer
Tegan : u have 2 days before u leave
Daniel : still could change my mind
Tegan : true so who u going with
Daniel : jonah tate which is Jonahs girlfriend eben Andrea and bry my frineds
Tegan : ah so theres a few of u
Daniel : yh its gonna be fun sad u can't come with but oh well i can call u
Tegan : yh we can I'm very jelouse tho
Daniel : we seem to be very jelouse of each other
Tegan : we do don't we
Daniel ; yh
Tegan : don't get to drunk at Coachella
Daniel : i might get a little drunk who knows
Tegan : well be safe
Daniel : i will don't worry
Tegan : good
Daniel ; play some music have our own car party
Tegan : right ok

I get my phone connecting it to his car and i start playing and we both sing along to every song and have a little dance party while also keeping an eye on the road

Tegan : u stay here i won't be long
Daniel : ok

I kiss his cheek and i get out the car and i walk to the double doors of the night club .

Mom : what do u want
Tegan : to talk
Mom ; sam said messaged and said come in

I walk in

Mom : your bitch u know u didn't say one word to me
Tegan : no u don't get talk u lisen u leave u don't call or messgae sam again u leave LA . And never come back i will pay u to leave name a price and I'll get it by tonight and u leave tonight
Mom : no I'm not leaving I've spent over 10 years with out my son i am not leaving and i am not letting u or your father force me to leave again
Tegan : no u leave tonight
Mom : no u and your dad leave tonight u leave sam with me
Tegan : over my dead body am i letting u haveing sam or letting u go near him
Mom : maybe I'll just have to kill u and your dad then

She goes behind her desk pulling out a gun

Mom : so now u lisen to me u leave with your dad and u don't tell sam a thing u just leave . Sam will come live with me and he will be happy a lot more happy without u
Tegan : no
Mom ; u leave me no choice then

She points the gun at me and i mange to grab her arm flicking the gun out her hand . And she trys getting it again but i grab her

Tegan : no

I kick the gun away and she comes for me and we start fighting and she hits me making me fall to the floor amd she gets on top hitting me again . And then i hear a gun shot and my mom falls to the ground

Sam ; omg
Tegan : sam

I get up and i try to feel for a puls on mom

Sam : omg i killed her omg
Tegan : sam sam stop

I walk over to him

Sam : i just killed her
Tegan : calm down
Sam : i can't i just killed her omg tegan
Tegan : drop the gun

He drops the gun and anuther shot goes off

Sam ; I'm going to prison
Tegan : no u aren't
Sam : i am i just killed someone

I go quiet

Tegan : no your not cause I'm gonna say i shot her
Sam : no
Tegan : yes sam u say i shot her
Sam : i can't let u take the blame
Tegan : yes i can't let u to prison your my brother my little brother I'm meant to protect u
Sam : tegan no
Tegan : yes
Sam : why didn't u tell me what she done to u
Tegan : how do u know what she done
Sam : when u left i was pissed off with u still so dad told me what she done to u .
Tegan : he shouldn't of told u
Sam : no u should of told me not him
Tegan : i wanted to protect u
Sam ; like your going to now
Tegan : yes and we need to make a story
Sam : tegan please let me say it was me
Tegan : no we need a story
Sam ; ok

We come up with a story and sam is still trying to convince me for him to take the blame but i can't let him

Sam : the phone
Tegan : leave it
Sam : tegan
Tegan : u stay here I'm going out to the police cayse the phone ringing is the police
Sam : no
Tegan : stay and destroy the footage of what happend in here
Sam : ok

I stand up and i walk to the doors and i take a second before opening the door and there's police everywhere with guns and i see daniel

Man : on your knees and hands on your head

I do as he says

The man comes over hand cuffing me

Tegan ; u will find a body in there i killed her her name is stella daily shes my mom
Daniel : no

The cop pulls me up taking me to the cop and i sit in there for ages as they cheak the night club

Man : tegan cooper your under arrest for the murder of Stella daily anything u may say will be taken for evidence

He drives to the police station and i give my statement and a few hours later i get charged for the murder and i get put in a cell until my court hearing

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