Tegan : hows sam
Dad : hes coping i think he says he find and happy he finally got it out
Tegan : i wish he didn't say
Dad : well he did and he did the right thing

I shake my head

Dad : also i got a message from yashvi saying she asked u to come out to Australia but u said no but I've told her your going
Tegan : no
Dad : yes i think u need to get away from LA so your going
Tegah : fine
Dad : book a flight for in a few days i gotta go
Tegan : ok
Dad : book that flight
Tegan : i will

He walks out the door

Jonah : hey
Tegan : what are u doing here
Daniel : Yashvi asked us to cheak on u
Jonah : and he also wanted to see u
Tegan : oh
Daniel : is it ok we came round
Tegan : um yh fine come with me

We walk out the back door and we sit down

Daniel : is sam ok
Tegan : dad said hes coping
Jonah : do u know whats gonna happen

I shake my head

Tegan : i gave in anuther stament this morning what really happend and they said its not looking good for sam
Daniel : oh dear
Jonah : i hope things do go good for him now
Daniel : i do aswell
Tegan : yh um do u guys want anything to eat or drink
Jonah : I'm good aswell
Daniel : yh
Tegan : ok I'm gonna get water
Jonah : ok

I get up walking inside and i go to the kitchen getting some water and i stear at the wall zoning out for god knows how long

Daniel : hello
Tegan : huh
Daniel : u ok
Tegan : mhm
Daniel : u sure cause we can talk i know we aren't together but it doesn't mean i haven't stopped careing about u  i can still be around as a frined
Tegan ; I'm fine come on

We walk out side

Daniel : i could so sleep
Jonah : u always say that
Tegan : he does
Daniel ; i just don't sleep
Jonah : cause u stupid
Tegan : i wouldn't say stupid
Daniel : she stays up all night like me or did
Tegan : i still do
Jonah : then u both stupid sorry i shouldn't of said that
Tegan : its ok
Daniel : u stupid
Jonah : i know
Tegan ; so I've got a question to ask
Jonah : lisening
Tegan ; my dads making me go to Australia to see yashvi do u guys still i wanna go cause u can go with me
Daniel : yh I'm in
Jonah : me to and i call the other see if there in
Daniel : probley wanna warn Yashvi first
Jonah ; good idea I'll call them all u guys chill talk what ever u want

He walks off a bit

Daniel : still trying to get us together i see
Tegan : frineds never know when to quiet it
Daniel : he doesn't
Tegan ; its ok it don't bother me anymore
Daniel : it doesn't me but i thought I'd say just in cause it bother u
Tegan : well it doesn't so u chill out
Daniel : i am chill
Tegan : sure
Daniel : i am
Tegan : i said sure
Daniel : but it sounded like u didn't belive i was chill
Tegan ; i belive u
Daniel : ok
Tegan : u know i could sleep aswell i didn't sleep well last night to worried about sam and while being in jail i didn't sleep much there either . My room mate wasn't nice and gave the majority of theses bruises when it was night so i stayed up so i could defend myself
Daniel : i know your still gonna worry about sam but u can now sleep in peace and not worry about when your next gonna get hurt
Tegan : yh
Daniel : i bet your happy to be home
Tegan : i am but i wish i was the one whos in jail or in prison just so sam wouldn't be there
Daniel : u really do stick to family comes first
Tegan ; well i can't say that now can i look what happend to my mom its my fault shes dead .
Daniel : your mom done fucked stuff now I'm not saying she should of died but aleast u can go on with life and not be scared about your mom being around every corner
Tegan : yh
Jonah : the guys are in and gabbie and Yashvi is fine with us all coming we all just have to stay in a hotel
Daniel : good
Jonah ; I'm existed
Tegan : me to
Daniel : its gonna be fun
Tegan ; yh
Jonah : we can drink
Daniel : yes
Jonah ; don't know why i said that I'm already 21 and u drink already
Daniel ; it will be more fun when its legal
Jonah ; i guess
Tegan ; is there any way i can get so drunk that i can forget theses past few weeks
Jonah ; sadly i don't think u can
Tegan : damn
Daniel : things will figure themselfs out

I nod my head

Jonah : right we should make a move
Tegan ; ok
Jonah ; maybe later or tomorrow u can call daniel and then we can figure out when to leave for Australia
Tegan ; yh ok
Daniel : see u soon then
Tegan : yh

He hugs me

Daniel : bye
Tegan : uh yh bye

They go and i get up going to the kitchen and cook dinner and i ate and i chillex around not really knowing what to do so i watched some tv

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